名师大咖面对面,有问有大收获多。若没有萨拉·J·黑尔??一位杂志编辑的努力,最终就不会有我们现在所谓的感恩节。在她主编的"波士顿妇女杂志"及稍后的"Godey's 女士手册"中,她撰写了大量的社论,支持将感恩节定为全国性节日。40年中,她坚持不懈地发表评论,不断致信州长乃至总统,最后,理想终于变为现实:1863年,林肯总统发表声明,将11月的最后一个星期四定为感恩节??一个全国性的节日。
Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president after Lincoln. The date was changed a couple of times, most recently by Franklin Roosevelt, who set it up one week to the next-to-last Thursday in order to create a longer Christmas shopping season. Public uproar against this decision caused the president to move Thanksgiving back to its original date two years later. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.