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名师大咖面对面,有问有大收获多。Why would digital communication trump human contact? The reasons are complex, butmay have something to do with the fact that users can control expression of sadness andother emotions via IM without revealing emotional elements like tears that some mayperceive as embarrassing or sources of discomfort. Studies also show that the anonymity( 匿名) of writing on a device blankets the users in a sense of safety that may prompt people tofeel more comfortable in sharing and discussing their deepest and most authentic feelings.Prior research has shown that expressive writing itself can "vent" emotions and provide asense of relief--and doing so knowing that your words are reaching a sympathetic friend mayprovide even more comfort and potentially be the rapeutic. Researchers also found thatintroverted participants reported more relief from IM conversations when they were distressedthan extraverts ( 内向的) did. As Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in aWorld that Can't Stop