1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒1. Listen to me carefully in the English class. Listening to tapes or radio is also a good way. 2. You should be active in the morning reading class. Speak as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible. 3. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. Put your face in your pocket. 4. The best way of improving your English is reciting! 背诵的五大秘诀:A.天天背B.一定要跟着录音背C.背熟了还要背D.用零碎的时间疯狂背E.抄写下来,随身携带背. Learning English requires long time. As the famous saying goes, Rome wasn't built in one day. If one wants to master English well, spending time is essential.