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在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒Of course, that’s obvious, but what about some of the less obvious uses?当然,这些都是非常明显的用途,那些不太明显的用途呢?
Well, it is used for heating, in some houses where they have central heating.在一些有中央供暖设备的房子里,它还用于供热。
And it is used for transport, you know, for ships on the sea and in rivers.你知道它也用于交通,用于海上和河上的船务运输。
Yeah. And if we had no water, we wouldn’t have fish to eat, would we?没错,如果没有了水,我们就没有鱼可吃了,不是吗?