既然说是日记(diary),最好能够每天写。英文能否写的通顺还是次要的问题,能够持续的每天用英文记日记(keep a diary in English)才是最重要的。
日记主要是给自己看的,因此体裁可以较为自由。例如(I got)up at six.((我)早上六点钟起床。)(I)went to the zoo this afternoon.((我)今天下午去了动物园。)(I was)bitten by a dog around noon.(大约中午时候(我)被一条狗咬了。)这些句子中括号内的单词都是在记日记时可以省略的。若因时间关系或其他原因无法写出句子或段落,即使只列出一些单词也总比完全不写的好。下面是一篇写的比较完整的日记:
It was already eight o'clock,and I was still on the bus to school.I was sure to get into trouble with the teacher.I suddenly remembered she was going to test us.I didn't study at all since I slept too well last night.Now what should I do?
When I walked into the classroom,I looked out of the window.The bees were busy making honey from flowers.The birds also were busy making nets.The sun was shining brightly.As I saw this,a thought struck me:I wished to leave the school at once,to throw my books aside,and to hide in the beautiful world of nature.But I realized I could not do so.If even the bees and birds were so busy at work,then I,a hum