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Professional Selling Skill

王群 / 国内知名海归实战型高级双语培训师

课程价格: 具体课酬和讲师商量确定

常驻地: 北京

预定该课 下载课纲

咨 / 询 / 热 / 线 18898361497



improve the selling skills


Morning of day one:
• How to understand the relationship among Price, Demand & Supply
o Understand the S-D-P curve
o Understand the difference between Marketing and Sales, get the right information
• To be a smart sales: identify human needs and business needs
o White-board exercise:human needs and business needs
o How to deal and satisfy the 2 kinds of needs?
• 4 selling skills (opening, questioning, promoting product, seal a deal):
o Opening skill (3 steps)
 How to make a professional & effective opening?
 Participants opening exercise
o Questioning skill:
 3 styles of questioning (open, close, follow up)
 3 steps of questioning
 How to ask the right question?
 What is called SPIN skill?
 Participants exercise
12.00 – 13.00 (Lunch break)
Afternoon of day one:
o How to successfully promote your product?
o Promoting skill (the timing and the skill)
o Link your product with the customer needs and benefits
o Develop and find out the needs behind the needs
o Use SPIN when customer not really keen on your product
o How to deal when customer misunderstands your product
o How to deal when customer does not satisfy with your product
o Participants exercise

Morning of day two:
• Review the first day training content and Q&A
• The skill of 3 steps to lead to agreement with customer
o Highlight the benefits agreed by the customer
o Make a next step suggestion
o Verify the customer’s confirmation
o Participants exercise
• Consultative selling versus transactional selling
o What does consultative selling focus on:
 How to develop loyalty customer?
 The benefits of loyalty customer
• Deal with different customer styles - the DISC skill
o DISC skill exercise

Afternoon of day two:
• Successful selling needs a unique story
o Example of the story
o Exercise: how do we make our own product story?
• The selling systematic skill-set:
o What’s the target of selling and negotiation?
o How to deal with negotiation?
o Why we can’t get into price negotiation too early?
o What’s the right timing to start negotiation?
o KAM – what’s called key account management?
o How to build up key account database?
• Summary of the training and Q&A session
End up training
上一篇: 消费心理与消费行为内训课 下一篇:专业销售技巧 (Chinese & English syllabus)

