**单元 组织变革的内涵
Module 1 The meaning of organization changes
l 变革的必然性
l The change neccecity
l 变革的突发性与策动性
l The surpriseness of change
l 变革是谁的主意
l Who wants to change
l 变革的理由
l Why do we have to change
l 变革对组织中的人意味着什么
l What are the challenges to peoplel in the organization
l 变革带来的冲击和后果
l What are the impacts and consequences of change
l 变革的目的与效果
l Objectives and efffectiveness of change
第二单元 组织变革的范畴
Module 2 The parameter of organization change
l 全组织层面的变革与部分肢体的变革
l Overall change vs. organal change
l 系统的变革与流程或规则的变革
l Systems change and/or policy change
l 组织文化的变革
l Cultural change
l 业务重点的变革
l Business priority change
l 工作方法的变革
l Work method change
第三单元 组织变革的方法
Module 3 The process of organization change
l 被动式变革的方法与步骤
l Process of reactive change
n 理解环境
n Understand the situation
n 把握全局的形势
n Obtain big picture
n 识别变革出现的关键点和方向
n Identify key issues and direction
n 评估变革可能带来的结果
n Evaluate possible consequences
n 建立利益相关人的网络图
n Establish stakeholder chart
n 做出如何应对的策略
n Workout thoughtful strategy
n 制订行动方案
n Actin planning
n 行动与评估
n Action and evaluation
l 主动式变革的方法与步骤
l Process of proactive change
n 谨慎思考变革的必要性
n Carefully think of the neciccety of change
n 评估变革将要涉及的范围
n Evaluate the parameter of designated change
n 识别关键群体和个人
n Identify interest groups and individuals
n 考虑变革带来的利益冲突与临界点
n Consider conflicts of interests and bottomlines
n 建立循序渐进的行动计划
n Workout a step by step action plan
n 行动并随时解决问题
n Action and solving problems along the way
n 评估变革的效果并做出相应的改变
n Evaluate effectiveness of change and make appropriate adjustments
l 组织变革需要注意的问题
l Pitfalls of organization changes
第四单元 组织变革的沟通
Module 4 Communications when change happens
l 沟通是变革能否成功的核心
l Communication is core of a sussessful change
l 变革中的沟通的4个基本需求
l Four basic needs for effective communications
n 信息的沟通
n Information communication
n 情感的沟通
n Emotional communication
n 态度的沟通
n Attitude communication
n 行动要求的沟通
n Task/requirement communication
l 变革沟通容易出现的3个基本问题
l Three easy mistakes people may carry in change
n 信息不对称(由哈里窗现象)
n Johari windows effects
n 主观臆断(推论阶梯现象)
n Preference ladder effects
n 言不由衷(阿基里斯的风险规避现象)
n Argylis risk avoidance effects
l 4项基本技术的应用
l Four foundamental techniques for effective communication
n 陈述
n Making statements
n 聆听
n Listening to responses
n 提问
n Raising exploring questins
n 说明
n Explaining effectively
第五单元 推动组织变革的参考方法:欣赏式探寻
Module 5 Appreciative Inquiry: a reference method
结束语 变革的过程是创新的过程
Closing remark: process of change is the process of creation