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Business English Writing Skills



Business English Writing Skills

Why and What:

Is it “Ms. Lady,” or “Dear Madam,”; Is it “ I would appreciate it if …” or “I would appreciate

if...” ; Is it “ We cannot do anything about your problem”; or “Unfortunately we are unable to help

you on this occasion.”; is it “ I should be glad if you would, or “ Please”; Is it “The program gains

efficiency by eliminating the superfluous instructions” or “The program gains efficiency when you

eliminate the superfluous instructions?”

Every day, you may not be confident enough in writing perfect English documents and

sometimes make big or small mistakes. For examples: what you write may not be well

“mind-mapped” in that your “readers” can not accurately understand what you want to tell

them; what you write contains abundant words and phrases which make your documents

“clumsy” with unwanted “fat”; what you write is not in a professional or proper style with a clear

tone in that you have warned your” readers” that you are not professionally tuned.

Your English is already good enough, but you want to be in your element with skills to write

professional, effective, and impressive business English. Reaching such a level, you will be able to

communicate more effectively and your image reflected to your boss, colleagues and clients or

even to the public will be significantly improved. This is where this course will exactly take you to.

Course objectives:

After the program, participants will

 Identify the weakest links in their business English Writing;

 Apply 5 steps to successful writing;

 Use the 4 point plan and 1
-step methods to write highly effective English


 Find out writing professional Business English is no longer a too hard skill;

 Save time and dramatically increase their working efficiency and the chance of being promoted.

Course Contents:

Session 1. Critical thinking about Business English Writing:

1.1. When you need to use pen or when you need to use mouth?-the advantage and

disadvantage in using written communication to convey your ideas and information;

1.2. What are the benchmarks for good business English writing, and how it will benefit you?

1.3. What are the critical challenges for Chinese to write culturally-wise business English?


Session 2.5 Steps to successful writing:

Step 1. Preparation;

2.1. Establish your Purpose;

2.1.1. What do you want your readers to know, to believe or to do when they have read your


2.1.2. The effective ways to establish your purpose;

2.2. Identify your audience or readers- Analyze your readers;

2.2.1 Determining your readers’ needs;

2.2.2 Do you write to an individual reader or a diverse audience?

2.2.3. How difficult will it be for your reader to understand your documents?

2.2.4. Will the reader just file away your document or will he post your documents on the wall

such as a public notice after he reads it?

Step 2. Research:

2.5. Brainstorm to determine what you already know;

2.6. Conduct research;

2.7. Selecting facts and sourcing what you need;

2.8. Avoid plagiarism.

Step 3. Structuring:

2.9. Methods of development;

2.9.1. Inductive and Deductive Methods;

2.9.2. Chronological method;

2.9.3. Comparisons method;

2.9.4. Definition method;

. Using mind-map to structure your ideas, facts and information.

Case Studies and Exercises

Step 4.Writing-Dos and Don’ts for good Business Writing:

2.11. Remember your ABC;

2.12. Be courteous and considerate;

2.13. Use appropriate tone;

2.14. Writing naturally and sincerely;

2.15. Apply KISS principle;

2.16. Don''t use “ancient” terminology;

2.17. Don''t miss essential details;

2.18. Don''t to be inconsistent;

2.19. Don''t use passive voices but active voices;

. Compose CLEAR communications.

Case Studies and Exercises

Step 5.Editing/ revision:

2.21. Unity and coherence;

2.22. Clarity;

2.23. Ethics;

2.24. Grammar;

2.25. Mechanics and Punctuation.

Case Studies and Exercises

Section 3. Email and business letter writing skills:

3.1. How to start or end a business letter or Email ?

3.2. How to write a business letter ?

3.3. The weakest links in your Email;

3.4. How can you make your Email work for you?

3.5. Netiquette.

Case Studies and Exercises

上一篇: 金字塔原理与商务写作 下一篇:金字塔思维商务写作与问题解决技巧

