
当前位置: 首页 > 公开课 > 物流管理 > CLTD- 物流运输与配送管理专业人士认证

CLTD- 物流运输与配送管理专业人士认证

培训对象: 适合所有工业领域的物流专业人士,特别合适如下 制造业、矿产能源业的供应链物流经理人、高级经理、总监; 零售、分销行业的物流经理、物流计划管理人、DC经理等; 3PL、供应链物流服务行业和进出口公司的相关经理人; 供应链优化、精益物流、订单、包装管理人员; 供应链管理培训师、咨询师、顾问; 供应链管理软件工程师、实施顾问; 物流管理研究人员、学者、大学物流相关老师等

课程目标: 掌握物流、运输和配送领域的核心知识 为所在公司带来新的思想 与全球物流趋势和发展同步 增加你作为物流专家的自信 降低成本和为企业创造收益

费用说明: 25280

咨 / 询 / 热 / 线 18898361497


CLTD- 物流运输与配送管理专业人士认证所有班级


CLTD- 物流运输与配送管理专业人士认证课程介绍


1. 点、碎片的积累

■ 由碎片的、零散的、孤立的知识点积累,不能称为专业;

■ 在一个系统环境下的知识点积累,也只能适用于此环境;

2. 多年的经验可能称不上“专业”

■ 多年的经验积累,不能代表专业,有可能是多年的重复!

■ 经验不代表逻辑;点的积累需要**逻辑整理、系统学习和实践,才能升华到专业;

3. 建立属于你的专业知识体系

■ 你需要掌握其底部逻辑,而不是零星的心得,微信专业文章或单个环节的课程;

■ 你需要成为拥有一套完整科学思路和系统缜密方法的专业人士,而不是碎人;

■ 因为你的职业生涯是在不同环境中动态发展,需要全面掌握专业知识体系;



■  APICS汇集各类物流证书的基础上,研究了**新物流管理和物流技术,结合了SCOR框架的供应链管理综合知识,重新定义并开发了APICS里程碑的CLTD物流知识体系。新推出的CLTD 2.0对CLTD学习系统和考试都做了更新,这也是一次CLTD认证推出以来进行的重大改变。

■  CLTD扩展了目前各类物流经理证书的内容,弥补了其单一偏向于物流业知识的不足。

■  CLTD从端到端的供应链理念对物流经理人知识与技能进行了加固,以物流管理为中心,向上扩展到制造业需求订单的源头、制造业的S&OP计划管理、原料供应商物流和厂内物流管理,向下延伸到制造业对产品分销全渠道管理和物流行业传统的仓库、运输管理以及承接制造业的VMI、JIT等供应链物流外包新业务管理。

■  CLTD将为物流职业经理人带来了世界级专业能力提升,并必将成为供应链物流专业证书中如CPIM、CSCP、SCOR-P一样,成为其各自领域内的专业证书领导者。

■  获得CLTD专业证书,是物流经理的专业资格必备,也是通向供应链物流总监的专业基石。


■ 课程采用 APICS 英文原版教材和软件,可选择中/英文授课语言

■ 由具有精湛讲课技巧,丰富实践经验,活跃在管理及咨询领域的资深专家授课

■ 采用世界**具权威性和公信力的概念和术语,与全球产业的共同管理语言接轨

■ 提供网上学习账号,可查询,做练习,便于备考

■ 课程内容完整连贯,构建全方位的供应链管理专业知识体系

■ 课程全面涵盖认证考试内容,有助于考取“CLTD 物流经理”资格认证


■ 掌握物流、运输和配送领域的核心知识

■ 为所在公司带来新的思想

■ 与全球物流趋势和发展同步

■ 增加你作为物流专家的自信

■ 降低成本和为企业创造收益


分为三个部分:物流, 运输&分销、仓储管理、逆向物流


课程使用的CLTD学习系统包括: 教材课本分为9个模块,2本美国进口原版教材。

■ 一个APICS在线学习账号,网上辅助学习系统CLTD  Learning System

■ 可以方便使用移动设备学习

■ 每个模块有相应的学习活动

■ 可提供详尽的个人进度报告  



■ 考试总计150题目,其中20题目是测试题

■ 考试三个半小时

■ 350分为满分,300分为**

■ 课后需准备75-100小时复习




Module 1: Logistics Overview and Strategy

■ Outlining the principles that make logistics useful, including economic drivers

■ Understanding how logistics fits within supply chain management

■ Managing logistics strategy, including the logistics value proposition

■ Developing flexible logistics frameworks and collaborative relationships

■ Exploring strategic-level risk management

■ Using fundamental performance measurements and benchmarking

■ Implementing reengineering and continuous improvement philosophies

Module 2: Logistics Network Design

Implementing a logistics network design process

■ Considering transportation requirements driving logistics network plans

■ Using tools and analyses to select node patterns and links

■ Adopting risk management

■ Planning for network security and business continuity

Module 3: Sustainability and Reverse Logistics

Understanding how logistics plays a key role in demonstrating organizational social responsibility

■ Managing the triple bottom line, including carbon footprint reductions and green initiatives

■ Selecting vendors based on sustainable practices

■ Demonstrating responsibility when handling and managing hazardous and dangerous materials

Module 4: Capacity Planning and Demand Management

■ Understanding the basics of forecasting including various types of forecasts

■ Shaping demand for logistics services

■ Translating demand information into planning for transportation and warehousing capacity

■Providing input during S&OP and participating in collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment

■ Planning for distribution requirements

■ Managing supply, including ERP master scheduling

■ Developing a process and selecting a purchasing strategy

Module 5: Order Management

Performing customer relationship management during order management activities

■ Implementing CRM to strengthen relationships

■ Meeting customer needs

■ Achieving service levels according to customer demand

■Managing the process steps and logistics decision points of inbound, intracompany, and outbound order management

Module 6: Inventory Management

■ Understanding inventory management, planning, and control

■ Contrasting stakeholder expectations for inventory management

■ Summarizing the different functions or purposes inventory serves in a business

■ Illustrating the major types of inventory costs

■ Differentiating approaches to safety stock and determinations of when to order

■ Performing calculations related to standard deviation, economic order quantity, and reorder points

■ Describing lean, just-in-time, ABC, vendor-managed inventory, and other alternative approaches

■ Listing common performance metrics

Module 7: Warehouse Management

■ Understanding warehousing strategies and determining which to use

■ Considering physical aspects and tactics related to warehousing design

■ Exploring warehousing challenges and trends

■ Summarizing warehouse ownership types and functions

■ Determining warehouse operations performance measures

■ Diving deep into warehouse processes, layouts, materials handling, systems and automation, and packaging

Module 8: Transportation

■ Outlining transportation fundamentals including cost structure, stakeholders, capabilities, carrier types, mode classifications, and selection considerations

■ Diving deep into the modes of transportation including road, rail, air, water, pipeline, intermodal, and parcel/courier

■ Managing transportation according to guiding principles

■ Considering tradeoffs when designing transportation networks, selecting carriers and modes, and planning routes and schedules

Module 9: Global Logistics Considerations

Examining current factors in the global logistics space

■ Staying competitive while balancing cost and level of service

■ Exploring the history of international trade theories and infrastructure

■ Discussing global logistics performance indicators and trade specialists

■ Complying with international trade regulations

■ Preparing customs documentation

■ Discussing finance, payment options, terms of sale, payment methods, currency issues, trade zones, and hedging

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