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开课学校 南宁罗曼教育




课程介绍Course Introduction








英语学习的关键开始、重点在英语语音、语调、基础语法、词法和句法。罗曼教育帮助您 迈进英语学习的大门,掌握一种全新的英语学习方法,您将会发现英语不再神秘,原来自己也可以很流利的用英语同别人交流。



熟练掌握英语五大技巧:听、说、读、写、译。罗曼教育由浅入深的讲解让你在不知不觉中**提高英语能力,单词、语法不再是你学习的噩梦,打破束缚,英语语法不再复杂, 达到英语水平。





















Lesson 1 Excuse me!对不起!

Lesson 2 Is this your…?这是你的……吗?

Lesson 3 Sorry,sir. 对不起,先生。

Lesson 4 Is this your…;这是你的……吗?

Lesson 5 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

Lesson 6 What make is it?它是什么牌子的?

Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教师吗?

Lesson 8 What's your job?你是做什么工作的?

Lesson 9 How are you today?你今天好吗?

Lesson 10 Look at… 看……

Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?

Lesson 12 Whose is this…?This is my/your/his/her… 这……是谁的?这是我的/你 的/他的/她的……

Whose is that…?That is my/your/his/her… 那……是谁的?那是我的/ 你的/他的/她的……

Lesson 13 A new dress 一件新连衣裙

Lesson 14 What colour is your…?你的……是什么颜色的?

Lesson 15 Your passports,please. 请出示你们的护照。

Lesson 16 Are you… 你们是……吗?

Lesson 17 How do you do?你好!

Lesson 18 What are their jobs?他们是做什么工作的?

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴

Lesson 20 Look at them!看看他/它们!

Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本书?

Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a… 给我/他/她/我们/他们一……

Which one?哪—……?

Lesson 23 Which glasses?哪几只杯子?

Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some… 给我/他/她/我们/他们一些……

Which ones?哪些?

Lesson 25 Mrs.Smith's kitchen 史密斯太太的厨房

Lesson 26 Where is it?它在哪里?

Lesson 27 Mrs.Smith's living room 史密斯太太的客厅

Lesson 28 Where are they?它们在哪里无前例?

Lesson 29 Come in,Amy. 进来,艾米。

Lesson 30 What must l do?我应该做什么?

Lesson 31 Where's Sally?萨莉在哪里?

Lesson 32 What's he/she/it doing?他/她/它正在做什么?

Lesson 33 A fine day 晴天

Lesson 34 What are they doing?他们在做什么?

Lesson 35 Our village 我们的村庄

Lesson 36 Where…?……在哪里?

Lesson 37 Making a bookcase 做书架

Lesson 38 What are you going to do?你准备做什么?

What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么?

Lesson 39 Don’t drop it!别摔了!

Lesson 40 What are you going to do?你准备做什么?

I'm going to… 我准备……

Lesson 41 Penny's bag 彭妮的提包

Lesson 42 Is there a…in/on that…?在那个……中/上有一个……吗?

Is there any…in/on that…?在那个……中/上有……吗?

Lesson 43 Hurry up!快点!

Lesson 44 Are there any…? 有……吗?

Is there any…? 有……吗?

Lesson 45 The boss's letter 老板的信

Lesson 46 Can you…? 你能……吗?

Lesson 47 A cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

Lesson 48 Do you like…?你喜欢……吗?

Do you want…?你想要……吗?

Lesson 49 At the butcher's 在肉店

Lesson 50 He likes… 他喜欢……

But he doesn't fike… 但是他不喜欢……

Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 宜人的气候

Lesson 52 what nationality are they?他们是哪国人?

Where do thev come from?他们来自哪个国家?

Lesson 53 An interesting climate 有趣的气候

Lesson 54 What nationality are they 他们是哪国人?

Where do they come from? 他们来自哪个国家?

Lesson 55 The Sawyer family 索耶一家人

Lesson 56 What do they usually do?他们通常做什么?

Lesson 57 An unusual day 不平常的一天

Lesson 58 What's the time?几点钟?

Lesson 59 Is that all?就这些吗?

Lesson 60 What's the time?几点钟?

Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒

Lesson 62 What's the matter with them?他们怎么啦?

What must they do?他们该怎么办?

Lesson 63 Thank you,doctor. 谢谢你,医生。

Lesson 64 Don’t…!不要……!

You mustn't…!你不应该……!

Lesson 65 Not a baby 不是小孩子

Lesson 66 What's the time?几点钟?

Lesson 67 The weekend 周末

Lesson 68 What's the time?几点钟?

Lesson 69 The car race 汽车比赛

Lesson 70 When were they there?他们是什么时候在那里的?

Lesson 71 He's awful!他讨厌透了!

Lesson 72 When did you…? 你什么时候……?

Can you do this test?你能完成以下测试吗?

Lesson 73 The way to King Street 到国王街的走法

Lesson 74 What did they do?他们干了什么?

Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子

Lesson 76 When did you…?你什么时候……?

Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛

Lesson 78 When did you…?你什么时候……?

Lesson 79 Carol's shopping list 卡罗尔的购物单

Lesson 80 I must go to the… 我必须去……

Lesson 8l Roast beef and potatoes 烤牛肉和土豆

Lesson 82 I had… 我吃(喝、从事)了……

Lesson 83 Going on holiday 度假

Lesson 84 Have you had…? 你已经……了吗?

Lesson 85 Paris in the spring 巴黎之春

Lesson 86 What have you done?你已经做了什么?

Lesson 87 A car crash 车祸

Lesson 88 Have you…yet?你已经……了吗?

Lesson 89 For sale 待售

Lesson 90 Have you…yet?你已经……了吗?

Lesson 91 Poor Ian!可怜的伊恩!

Lesson 92 When will…?什么时候要……?

Lesson 93 Our new neighbour 我们的新邻居

Lesson 94 When did you/will you go to…?你过去/将在什么时候去……?

Lesson 95 Tickets,please. 请把车票拿出来。

Lesson 96 What's the exact time?确切的时间是几点?

Lesson 97 A small blue case 一只蓝色的小箱子

Lesson 98 Whose is it?它是谁的?

Whose are they?它们是谁的?

Lesson 99 OW!啊哟!

Lesson 100 He says that…She says that…They say that… 他/她/他们说……

Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy 吉米的明信片

Lesson 102 He says he…She says she…They say they… 他/她/他们说他/她/他们……

Lesson 103 The French test 法语考试

Lesson 104 Too,very,enough 太、非常、足够

Lesson 105 Full of mistakes 错误百出

Lesson 106 I want you/him/her/them to… 我要你/他/她/他们……

Tell him/her/them to… 告诉他/她/他们……

Lesson 107 It's too small. 太小了。

Lesson 108 How do they compare?比一比

Lesson 109 A good idea 好主意

Lesson 110 How do they compare?比一比

Lesson 111The most expensive model **昂贵的型号

Lesson 112 How do they compare?比一比

Lesson 113 Small change 零钱

Lesson 114 I've got none. 我没有。

Lesson 115 Knock,knock!敲敲门!

Lesson 116 Every,no,any and some 每一、无、若干和一些

Lesson 117 Tommy’s breakfast 汤米的早餐

Lesson 118 What were you doing?你那时正在做什么?

Lesson 119 A true story 一个真实的故事

Lesson 120 It had already happened. 事情已经发生了。

Lesson 121 The man in a hat 戴帽子的男士

Lesson 122 Who(whom),which and that 关系代词

Lesson 123 A trip to Australia 澳大利亚之行

Lesson 124(Who)/(whom),(which)and(that)关系代词

Lesson 125 Tea for two 两个人一起喝茶

Lesson 126 Have to and do not need to 不得不和不必要

Lesson 127 A famous actress 著名的女演员

Lesson 128 He can’t be… 他不可能……

He must be… 他肯定是……

Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour 时速70英里

Lesson 130 He can’t have been… 他那时不可能……

He must have been… 他那时肯定是……

Lesson 131 Don’t be so sure!别那么肯定!

Lesson 132 He may be… 他可能是……

He may have been… 他可能已经……

I'm not sure 我不敢肯定。

Lesson 133 Sensational news!爆炸性新闻!

Lesson 134 He said(that)he… 他曾说他……

He told me(that)he… 他曾告诉我说他……

Lesson 135 The latest report 新消息

Lesson 136 He said(that)he… 他(曾)说他……

He told me(that)he… 他(曾)告诉我说他……

Lesson 137 A pleasant dream 美好的梦

Lesson 138 If… 如果……

Lesson 139 Is that you,John?是你吗,约翰?

Lesson 140 He wants to know if/why/what/when 他想知道是否/为什么/什么/什么时候

Lesson 141 Sally's first train ride 萨莉次乘火车旅行

Lesson 142 Someone invited Sally to a party. 有人邀请萨莉出席一个聚会。

Sally was invited to a party. 萨莉应邀出席一个聚会。

Lesson 143 A walk through the woods 林中散步

Lesson 144 He hasn't been served yet. 还没有人来招待他?

He will be served soon. 很快会有人来招待他的。

Appendix 1:Personal names 附录1:人名中英文对照表

Appendix 2:Geographical names 附录2:地名中英文对照表

Appendix 3:Phonetic symbols 附录3:英语音标

课程热线 13647813730



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