适合对象: | 在职场交际过程中遇到各种困难的学员 | ||||||
使用教材: | 新东方国际英语内部专用教材 | ||||||
教学师资: | 新东方英语中外籍老师团队 | ||||||
教学目的: | 解决学员的沟通困难,展现独特个人魅力 | ||||||
咨询电话: | 如需了解更多课程详情,欢迎拨打我们咨询电话:0731-82232206 咨询QQ :1853098692 微信:18932484890 | ||||||
除了主修英语外,大学期间的兼职工作都与英语教学有关——这都让我更加热爱这门语言。毕业时顺利**专业8级考试,我在新东方开始了全新的职业生涯。我很喜欢这份工作,如果说有什么职业规划,我希望有一天能形成我自己有趣又有独创性的教学风格! 业余时间,我的兴趣广泛:为NBA疯狂,施展我骄傲的厨艺,喜欢旅行,享受于在唱歌中放松身心。我愿意和身边的朋友分享我的快乐。
英语专业,拥有专8证书。 我有3年的商务领域工作背景,对商务英语非常了解。如果能帮助我的学生提高英语,那将是我超大的快乐与成就感来源。我相信今天的耕耘,一定会换来明天的收获。真心祝愿所有在英语学习中努力耕耘的人们都能“收获学习的硕果”,并在新东方享受**美妙的学习时光!
喜欢认识新朋友,并和他们用英语交谈. 我还是爵士乐的发烧乐迷。从大二开始,我就开始教英语了。我总是告诉我的学生先学会听,然后再学会说。 许多人说英语时候会害羞,但细细想想,开口说话和锻炼口语并不是很困难的事情——你要做的只是勇敢迈出第1步!保持自信,清楚传达你的意思。你知道吗?一切皆有可能,如果你认为你可以,你就可以。相信有一天你令人骄傲的英语,会带你寻找到一片新的天空。
长沙,生于斯长于斯。 “音乐或许是轻快的,但细细品茗是必须的;知识或许是强大的,但阅读是必须的;生活或许不令人满意,但畅快大笑是必须的。”我愿意用那“海纳百川”的胸怀接受新的挑战,用我的专业知识帮助更多的英语学习者攀登英语学习高峰。
Hey! I'm Christina and I'm from theUnited States. I was born and raised inNew York City, my favorite city in the world. I have a BA in Psychology fromBrynMawrCollegewith a minor in East Asian Studies. I really like learning Chinese and moved toChinato become fluent but it's really difficult! I have been living inChinafor one and a half years. I think it's interesting to learn about Chinese culture and to hear about your lives. In my free time I love to do yoga, cook, paint, draw, travel and scuba dive.
Hello! My name is Nick and I am from theUSA. I arrived in China in early 2011. In 2007 I graduated from Michigan State University (Go Green!) with a BA in Communications. After that I moved to the beautiful city ofChicagowhere I was a salesman of computer equipment. Through this job I gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the 'art of sales' and how companies around the world use computers. After hearing about the great growthChinais experiencing I decided to leave theUSAfor some time and seeChinafor myself. While I am he
What's up, guys? My name is Jeremiah, but you can just call me “J.” I'm fromPowder Springs,Georgia, and I've lived inShanghaifor way too long. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, and going to the movies. My Chinese name is 刘备, so feel free to chat with me about Three Kingdoms, or anything else you are interested in… in English, of course! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here at WEB, and I hope my classes will be an enjoyable way for you to improve your spoken English. Talk to you later!
Hello! My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz or Liza.I come from one of the most beautiful places on Earth -South Africa.South Africais famous for its diamonds, wild animals, and Great White Sharks. My hometown isPretoria, which is the capital city ofSouth Africa, and nicknamed theJacarandaCityafter the abundance of purple-flowered trees that grow there. Pretorians believe that if a Jacaranda blossom falls on your head, you will pass all your exams. So, I often walked under these trees while I was studying at theUniversit
如需了解更多课程详情,欢迎拨打我们咨询电话:0731-82232206 咨询QQ :1853098692 微信:18932484890