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10. There are three basic covers, namely, Free form Particular Average, with Particular Average and ALL risks.
11. Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, etc. If the goods are insured, the exporter might get enough to make up his loss.
12. Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a survey report, with the insurance company at your end.
13. As a rule, we don’t cover them unless you want to.
14. If more than that is asked for, the extra premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be born by the buyer.
15. The FPA clause doesn’t cover partial loss of the particular coverage, whereas the WPA clause does.
16. The extra premium involved will be on your account.
17. The insurance covers ALL Risks at 110% of the invoice value.
18. No, it is not necessary for the shipping line to add to the cost. Our past experience shows that All risks gives enough protection to all the shipments to your area.
19. ALL risk covers all losses occurring throughout the voyage caused by accidents at sea or land. In other words, it includes FPA, WPA, and general additional risks, with special additional risks excluded.