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新东方在线 英语四级培训




发布时间: 2016年03月23日





1.The less you rely on painkillers now,the better it will be for your health____ .

A)in the long run

B)on second thought

C)at full speed

D)for 

2.Price rises ____ consumer spending.

A)arouse B)avoid C)preserve D)restrain

3.The movie ____ the list of Oscar nominations.

A)wins B)leads C)heads D)beats

4.The next morning I found the shoots____ up straight,not a bit damaged.

A)standing B)having stood

C)to stand D)stood

5.He is very____ about his food. 

A)especial B)special C)peculiar D)particular

6.The government has decreed that the gasoline tax ____.

A)is to be abolished B)should abolish

C)were abolished D)be abolished

7.Take an umbrella,____ it rains.

A)while B)by the moment C)the moment D)in case

8.I don't doubt ____ he's a brilliant scientist,but can he teach?

A)why B)that C)whether D)if 

9.It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate enough to escape____ in the plane crash.

A)killing B)being killed C)to be killed D)having killed

10.He was one ____.

A)of the happy child of his class

B)of the happiest child in the class

C)child who was the the class

D)of the happiest children in the class


1.A 你现在对止痛药的依赖越少,从长远来看,对你的身体健康越有益。A.in the long run 从长远的观点来看;B.on second thought 进一步考虑后;C.at full speed 以全速;D.for various reasons 以各种不同的原因,均与题意不符。

2.D 价格上涨抑制了消费者消费。A.arouse 引起,激起,用于此处,则语义不通。B.avoid 避免,躲避;C.preserve 保护、维护;D.restrain 抑制、制止。根据题意,本题的正确答案是D。

3.C 这部影片列奥斯卡奖提名首位。heads 位于…前头。head the list意为“位居名单的首位”。A.wins赢得……,用于此处与原句表达意义不符。B.lead 指挥,引导;D.beats 打击,战胜;均与list搭配不当。

4.A 第二天早上,我发现这些嫩芽竖直向上,没有受到一点儿损伤。standing up 竖立,向上直立。“find 动词现在分词形式”表示发现正在进行或发生的动作,与题意相符。find一般不接to do 或 having done作宾补。“find done”则含有被动意味。

5.D 他对于食物讲究。be particular about 对……过于讲究,挑剔。其它各项搭配均无此意。

6.D 政府已下令废除燃气税。deree后边由that引导的宾语从句用虚拟语气。“(should) 动词。宾语从句中主语 gasoline tax 和“废除”应是被动关系,故应用动词的被动语态。据以上分析,D.符合要求是正确答案。

7.D 带一把伞,以防下雨。A.while 当……的时候,与句意不符,不能选。B.by the moment 通常无此搭配,不能用。C.the moment 一……就,用以引起时间状语从句。e.g The moment I saw him I know that there was no hope.一看见他我就明白没希望了,用于此处句子意思不通。D.in case 以防,万一……,用以引起条件状语从句,用于此处,句意通顺,故为正确答案。

8.B 我不怀疑他是个卓越的科学家,但是他教书行吗?在have (there is) no doubt后常跟that引导的从句。在肯定句中,doubt后面有时可跟 whether引起的从句。e.g There is some doubt whether John will come on time.但在否定句中,不能用whether引起的从句。据此判断B项为正确答案。

9.B 据报道只有一名旅客在那次飞机失事中幸免遇难。escape后跟动名词作宾语不能跟动词不定式。据此C项被排除。kill应用被动语态,因为旅客与kill的关系是被动的,这样只有B项 (being killed 动名词的被动语态)符合要求,为正确答案。

10.D 他是这个班上最幸福的孩子之一。A. of the happy child of class 既然是其中一个,child应用其复数形式。B. of the happiest child in the class 与 A项犯同样的错误。C.child who was the happiest of all the class 既然是确定的对象,child前就不能用one来修饰。D. of the happiest children in the class 结构正确符合题意。




