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新东方在线 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年03月16日



Computer Security

1.As the business sector, and indeed all of our society, becomes more dependent on computers, concern about computer security grows. According to Business Week, roughly 1 trillion dollars is transferred every day via computer networks. Yet a knowledgeable person can, with relative ease, access a computer system and cause serious damage. Estimates of the annual cost of computer crime range from 1 billion dollars to 2 billion dollars.

2.One of the most recent computer problems firms face is called a “computer virus”. A virus is a type of computer program that is intentionally hidden in other computer programs. When a program with a virus comes into contact with other programs, the virus attacks the other programs. Some viruses can destroy every bit of information in a computer. Businesses also face the problem of losing highly confidential data to computer hackers. These individuals break into computer systems and steal information or damage programs.

3.Computer viruses and computer hackers present a huge potential risk to firms. They have shut down entire computer systems in some large companies.

4.Fortunately, business firms can now obtain insurance coverage for losses from computer crime. Although some policies specifically cover computer viruses, many others were drafted before computer viruses became a problem. These policies generally insure all risks of direct physical loss or damage, unless something is specifically excluded. The issue then becomes whether or not the damage caused by a computer virus is a physical loss. In some cases, insurance companies have maintained that information lost on a computer is not physical property and thus is not covered by a traditional all-risk policy.

5.Many insurance companies are beginning to use policy language that deals specifically with the loss of computer information. In this way, the insured understands what is covered, and the insurance company can avoid a large, unexpected loss. Courts have held that information stored on the computer is tangible property in tax cases. In property insurance cases, they may handle the destruction of computer information the same way. Destruction of valuable information, therefore, could result in a catastrophic loss that is covered under an all-risk policy unless there is limiting language.

1、Paragraph 2__________

A、Fatalness from viruses and hackers

B、Two primary dangerous factors: virus and hacker

C、How the viruses and hackers destroy our computers

D、Attitudes towards the loss of computer information

E、The test way to protect our computers

F、The policies about the viruses

【正确答案】 B

2、Paragraph 3__________

A、Fatalness from viruses and hackers

B、Two primary dangerous factors: virus and hacker

C、How the viruses and hackers destroy our computers

D、Attitudes towards the loss of computer information

E、The test way to protect our computers

F、The policies about the viruses

【正确答案】 A

3、Paragraph 4__________

A、Fatalness from viruses and hackers

B、Two primary dangerous factors: virus and hacker

C、How the viruses and hackers destroy our computers

D、Attitudes towards the loss of computer information

E、The test way to protect our computers

F、The policies about the viruses

【正确答案】 F

4、Paragraph 5__________

A、Fatalness from viruses and hackers

B、Two primary dangerous factors: virus and hacker

C、How the viruses and hackers destroy our computers

D、Attitudes towards the loss of computer information

E、The test way to protect our computers

F、The policies about the viruses

【正确答案】 D

5、From this passage, we know that the most important factors in computer security are __________.

A、viruses and hackers

B、tangible property

C、worth doing

D、attacks other programs

E、except information lost

F、all the crimes.

【正确答案】 A

6、A virus is such a program that it is hidden in other programs and __________.

A、viruses and hackers

B、tangible property

C、worth doing

D、attacks other programs

E、except information lost

F、all the crimes.

【正确答案】 D

7、In some cases, insurance companies will compensate the customers all the losses _______.

A、viruses and hackers

B、tangible property

C、worth doing

D、attacks other programs

E、except information lost

F、all the crimes.

【正确答案】 E

8、Now courts think information stored in the computer is also _______.

A、viruses and hackers

B、tangible property

C、worth doing

D、attacks other programs

E、except information lost

F、all the crimes.

【正确答案】 B

阅读推荐:职称英语培训 学派网职称英语 新东方职称英语 环球网校职称英语 职称英语网校排名
