当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 雅思口语Part2答案:描述一次旅行
新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2015年08月20日




  Tips for answering this Cue card question:

  You are free to talk about any journey you are comfortable to talk about.It can be journey to another city of your country, to a historic or touristplace, a foreign country or to a relative or friend's house to a differentlocation. While talking about this cue card, take some notes about a journey youremember particularly where you went, what was the purpose of going there, howyou travelled there, what you saw on your way and at the place, what you did,how long you stayed, whom you met there, who you went there with.

  If you liked the journey tell about some exciting things you watched anddid there than the usual things you do. For instance: you can mention some ofthe great places you visited there, the sightseeing of the journey. Do not focustoo much on the place you went rather emphasize what happened on the way. Thiscue card is bit different that 'Describe a place you have visited' where youwould mostly describe things you watched and did on the place but for this cuecard you should mostly tell about your experience during the journey.

  Some key points to mention for this cue card:

  You had a plan to visit this place for a long time and when you had thejourney, you had been excited about the whole thing.

  You would meet a friend or relative after a long and that made you feelgood.

  You have some memories related to this place and visiting there was a goodexperience for you.

  If this is a foreign country, say that you had a longing to visit thiscountry.

  The weather was comfortable and there was no interruption on the way.

  You had friends with you and you enjoyed their company as well as thevehicles.

  This was not a typical journey that you usually take.

  The natural beauty surrounding the roads was charming.

  You observed some different custom and culture there.

  If you plan to say that you did not enjoy the journey focus on thefollowing points:

  You did not intend to go there but you had no other choice.

  The weather was not good and that made the journey difficult.

  You did not like the vehicles that you took for the journey.

  It took a very long time which was tiresome.

  You got sick during the journey.

  There was no interesting thing to do or watch.

  The vehicle was a public transport and stopped several times.

  Some other cue cards that you should be able to answer if you prepare forthis cue card:

  1. Talk about an interesting journey you took recently.

  2. Describe a visit to one of your relative's house.

  3. Describe your journey to your home town.

  4. Describe a journey you took to a foreign city.

  5. Talk about a journey you disliked.

  6. Describe a journey you remember.

  7. Describe one of your memorable journeys.


  I like visiting famous places and whenever I get vacation, I try to visitnew places or places that I have heard about. One such trip that I took with oneof my friends was a journey to Holland. I would like to talk about this tour toHolland that we took 2 years age.

  Both of us (me and my friend) wanted to visit Holland and specificallyAmsterdam, Hague and Rotterdam very much because we saw pictures and heardstories from friends about how beautiful and wonderful the place is. So finallywe applied for visa, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, packed our bags andour trip began.

  We spent a lot of time before our holiday, researching of all theinteresting places to visit and all the sights to see. So we went to Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh museum, Amstell Beer museum, took a romantic sunset cruise inthe water channels, drove to Volendam, a small prettiest fisherman village,visited a cheese farm. We went to Rotterdam, which is the architecture city ofHolland that stimulates innovation. We enjoyed the architectures and buildingthere as much as we did walking in the neat roads and besides the beaches.Visiting the famous Anne Frank house was an exciting moment for me. I've readthe Anne Frank's Diary in my early childhood and witnessing the place was verymuch exciting.

  Every evening we took long walks along the channels, resting in smallgardens, which Amsterdam has a lot of. Street artists were performing everywhereand a lot of people came to watch their show.

  We enjoyed very much everything we did and especially in such a beautifulcountry. Having my friend by my side on this trip made it even more fun. Sincewe have never been to Holland, everything we saw and did seemed interesting andcompletely new to us. The people, their way to interpretation their cultureattracted us very much. Before leaving the place, both of us agreed that theplace is worth visiting and someday we would come back to re-explore it.


