当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2015年6月13日英语六级翻译真题及答案
新东方在线 英语六级培训




发布时间: 2015年06月15日



Han Dynasty enjoysa high level of significance in Chinese history during which lotsof achievements and accomplishments have been made. It is a pioneerin terms of embracing other cultures and prosperity in foreigntrade. The Silk Road which was opened at that time, led the way tothe Middle and Western Asia and even to Rome, where a great numberof literature, historical and philosophical masterpieces werespringing up and all kinds of schools of art were flourishing aswell. In 100 B.C., the compilation of China’s first dictionary wasfinished with explanation and ways of writing of 9000 characterscontained. Meanwhile, with the invention of paper, water clock,sundials and the instruments used to measure earthquakes, the greatprogress has been made in scientific development. The Han Dynastylasted for 400 years. However it finally ended up due to thecorruption of the rulers.
The year of 2011is regarded as a historical moment in the process of Chineseurbanization, when the population in urban area has surpassed thatin rural place for the first time. There is a prediction that about350 million people will move into the urban area in the next 20years. The development of city on such a scale brings bothopportunities and challenges to its transportation. The Chinesegovernment has advocated for the people-oriented development for along time, emphasizing that people should go out by publictransportation rather than private ones. At the same time, theconstruction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly societyis also what the government is appealing to. With such a target, wecould plan the urban construction and development in a morereasonable way and much investment could be transferred into theimprovement in a transportation system, which is secure, lesspolluting and economic.
The Chinesetraditional ways of entertaining guests require the amount anddiversity of foods, which is supposed to be more than enough forguests’ needs. Typically, the menu of Chinese feasts includes a setof cold dishes in the beginning with hot dishes following such aspork, chicken, duck, vegetables and so on. In most of feasts, awhole fish is often regarded as an indispensable part, exceptdifferent kinds of seafood have been served. Contemporarily,Chinese are more likely to combine foods peculiar to the westernwith traditional Chinese dishes, and therefore, steaks can often bespotted in the Chinese feasts and salads are becoming popular eventhough traditional Chinese tend to refuse to enjoy any dishes,which are not cooked. In the feasts, a dish of soup is usuallyserved as the first or the last dish of the feast. The feasts oftenend up with desserts and fruits.

