当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2015年7月12日托福小范围预测
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2015年06月08日








  【问题】Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

  Task 4

  【名词解释】customer lock-in


  【1个例子】Professor举例说他有brand A的相机,想换一个zoom lens, 他看中了一个discount、质量又好的brand B lens, 但是不匹配,所以他只能去买又贵又不太好的brand A的lens.


  Task 5


  【解决方案】(1) 女生建议他今天就去看医生,但男生担心有可能要排很久的队,不想错过review lesson;(2) 明天把所有事都忙完了再去,但这样脚伤可能会加重。

  Task 6


  【2种方式】(1) basking: 举例butterfly, 面对太阳,展开翅膀,用翅膀吸收太阳的热量;(2) freezing: 举例fly, 让体内的水分冻结来tolerate寒冷,体内的chemical可以防止冻伤,温度升高后再thaw and resume to be active as normal。


  重复的是之前北美的考题, 之前点题中多次讲到过,直接上思路。

  Some people believe that taking field trips (e.g. going to the museum) is an important part of children’s education. Others believe that it is better for children to study at school. Which view do you agree with?

  第一个方面:对于那些艺术、人文的学校,多做一些field trip是非常好的,反正这些人都很闲,每天没事儿干,多蛋疼啊,出去多走走多看看没准还能多找点灵感!

  For schools with an emphasis in arts and humanities, funding field trips, goes a along way towards helping their students broaden their horizons since most of the students majored in these subjects are looking for an experience beyond academic studies, one that allows them to have fun and network.

  第二个方面:然而一旦我们考虑到那些工科性的大学,情况就要苦逼一点,工科生跟文科生不一样,是要真正拿出实际的东西才能毕业的,因此大部分时间都花在实验室里,所以把钱拿来搞field trip还不如投资在硬件和教授身上;社交活动有没有的根本没有那么重要!

  Nevertheless, for engineering schools, funding field trips in the hope of providing the students with better education could be an exercise in futility, because their student body is mostly composed of reserved, socially-awkward individuals, for whom academic studies take precedence over field trips; these schools are better off funding research projects and updating outdated science labs.


