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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2018年07月06日




例: The Dutch are not the only would-be moles. Growing numbers of Europeans are burrowing below ground to create houses, offices, discos and shopping malls…; in winter months in Montreal, Canada, for instance, citizens can escape the cold in an underground complex compete with shops and even health clinics. In Tokyo builders are planning a massive underground city to be begun in the next decade, and underground shopping malls are already common in Japan…

分析:很明显,此段没有所谓的主题句,而是以 Europe, Canada 以及 Tokyo 为例.在快速看完举例部分后,我们不难总结出,举例的目的是要说明世界各地正着手开发包括地下城市,地下诊所,地下舞厅和地下购物中心在内的多样化地下服务设施.而这一观点正好跟选项 Developing underground services around the world 相吻合。


策略:继续读主题句后面部分的内容,即扩展句( supporting sentences, 对主题句起支持或进一步解释说明的句子)部分,正确选项往往就是对扩展句具体涉及内容的概括。

例: There are big advantages, too, when it comes to private homes. A development of 194 houses which would take up 14 hectares of land above ground would occupy 2.7 hectares below it, while the number of roads would be halved… An underground dweller himself, Carpenter has never paid a heating bill …

分析:不难看出,划线的句子作为本段的首句,具有概括性,实为主题句。如果正确选项是依据此句来归纳的话,那理应包含 advantages 或是同样表示优势、优点、长处的其它词。可事实是,所给选项中没有一项涉及此类词。单纯找主题句看来对于这个段落已不适用。继续往后读,我们发现,后面部分其实是对地下住宅所具备的优点的进一步举例解释。列举数字无非是要说明地下住宅节省土地和空间;而以 Carpenter 这个地下住宅居住者为例,就是要说明这种住宅既省钱又节能。由此,答案锁定为 Demands on space and energy are reduced.