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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2018年06月11日



1. Songs that bring you back to great moments in your life.

1. 有那么几首歌能让你回想起生命中的快乐时光。

2. Sleeping right next to someone you truly love.

2. 睡在真正心爱的人身边。

3. Accidentally overhearing someone say nice things about you.

3. 不小心听到有人表扬了你。

4. Making a completely random guess and getting it right.

4. 瞎猜居然猜对了。

5. That instant when the thing you didn’t understand suddenly makes complete sense.

5. 本来完全搞不明白的事情突然想通了。

6. Those random good-hair days when you just feel beautiful or handsome.

6. 早上醒来,觉得今天自己很美/很帅。

7. Kissing someone and smiling at the same time.

7. 亲某人的时候,发自内心地微笑。

8. When you drop something and then swiftly grab it in mid-air before it hits the ground.

8. 某样东西被你弄掉了,但是在它落地之前被你给接住了。

9. When questions on an exam give away the answers to other questions on the same exam.

9. 考试的时候,某个考题的答案在卷子里能找到。

10. The feeling you get when a group of friends all laugh really hard at one of your random jokes.

10. 随便说了个笑话就把身边的朋友逗得前俯后仰。
