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新东方在线 高中教育培训


发布时间: 2017年06月06日




  46. face n脸, 表情 v面对,面向,正视 face sth 面朝,面对 be faced with …面对,遇到

  47. ●fade vt./vi 褪色,(颜色)消退 The sun had faded the curtains.

  The curtains had faded in the sun.

  fade away (to disappear gradually) her smile /laughter /voice faded away

  48. fail v.失败,不及格,衰退,未发生 failure n, 失败

  fail to do sth power failure

  fail ( in ) sth words failed me.

  fail in doing My eyesight failed.

  If rain fails, the farmers will suffer.

  I fail to see why you won’t give it a try.

  ◎failure. n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success

  失败的人或事 The man is a ~. The party was a ~

  49. fair adj公平的,相当大的,白皙的,晴朗的, 金黄的:n.博览会

  a fair price/ fair skin/ a fair day /fair hair fairly pretty

  50.fall (fell fallen) n秋季,跌倒; v降落,突然到来; 系动词v进入…状态

  fall ill/asleep/silent fall behind

  fall over fall to the ground

  fall down from../fall off… A sudden silence fell.

  My birthday falls on a Monday this year.

  51. ◎fantastic. adj. 极好的 That s an ~idea.

  巨大的 a ~ amount of money 荒诞的 a ~dream

  52. far adj /adv远的,远地 farther, further ( further表抽象含义further study)

  far from:离…远; 远远不… His work is far from satisfactory.

  As/so far as I can see= In my opinion=Personally依我看….

  53. fault n 缺点,毛病 Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault?

  find fault with sb

  54. favor n 恩惠,好处,帮忙 Could you do me a favor?

  Can I ask a favor? 请帮个忙好吗? We are all in favor of the plan.

  55. ●feast盛会,宴会 v. feast your eyes n. a wedding feast

  The evening was a real feast for music lovers.

  56. feed v 喂养,饲养 They have a large family to feed.

  We feed horses on grass.(We feed grass to horses.)

  57.feel (felt,felt) vt, link.v 发觉,意识到,感觉

  She couldn’t feel her legs.他的双腿失去了知觉。

  You will feel better after a good night’s sleep.

  I am not quite feeling myself today. We teachers feel strongly that …

  The blind man felt his way along the road. feel like sth/doing sth

  58.few n,adj 不多,少数,少数的,

  only a few/quite a few/a good few/every few days

  I have a few friends here./I have few friends here.

  The few friends I made here are all teachers.

  59.figure n,v数字,图形,身形,人物 be round in figure 呈圆形 have a good figure 身材好

  figure out a problem 算出一道题 I couldn’t figure out who he was.我想不出他是谁。


