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新东方在线 高中教育培训


发布时间: 2017年06月01日



  1.habit n 习惯 form/develop the(a) habit of be in the(a )habit of

  fall/get into the(a) habit of

  2.hand v 传递n手,指针 have a hand in give/lend sb a hand

  hand in /out/down from hand to hand

  on the one hand…on the other hand…

  3.◎handle n. 把手 the ~ of the door vt. 处理,应付 I have no idea how to ~ the children.

  4.●handy 便利的,顺手的 It’s quite a handy little tool.

  I always keep my gun handy just in case.

  5.hang vt vi 绞刑,上吊,悬挂 hang one’s head in shame含羞低头

  hang curtains hang out/up

  6.happen v 发生,碰巧 What happened to her?

  It so happened that I had no money with me.

  I happened to have no money with me.

  7.hardly 几乎不 Hardly does she go home.

  Hardly had he got home when it began to rain.

  8.◎harm 危害 n do (no) ~ to sb/sth v ~ sb/sth

  9. harvest n.

  A heavy snow promises a good harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年 get in the harvest 收庄稼

  10.hate v. hate to do/ doing I hate it when people cry.

  11. have v. 1 have (got) to 2 have on 穿着(表状态,无进行时态)

  He had a red jacket on. 3 have sth done 让别人做某事/ 主语遭受…

  Is this the watch you have repaired? She had her bag stolen.

  4 have sb do 让某人去做某事 Who do you have type the letter?

  5 have something / nothing to do with…与..有/没有关系

  6 have sb doing…使某人做某事/ 与cannot/won’t连用表示不能容忍…

  I have my students listening attentively. 我使学生们听得入神.

  I can’t have people arriving late all the time. 我不能忍受人们总是迟到.

  12. head 1) n. 1 use your head 动动脑筋 2 hold one’s head high趾高气扬

  3 from head to foot/ toe从头到脚 4 hit sb. on the head 击中某人的头

  2) v. head for sp.朝某处走去

  13. health n. healthy adj. in good / bad health keep healthy ~ diet

  14. hear v. 1 hear about / of 听说 2 hear from 收到某人的来信

  3 hear sb. do/ doing 听到某人做了某事/听到某人正在做某事

  15. heart n. 1 learn sth. by heart 记住 2 lose heart 灰心,泄气

  3 lose one’s heart to sb.倾心于某人 4 heart and soul 全心全意

  5 from the bottom of one’s heart 由衷的

  16. heavy adj. heavily adv. 1a heavy smoker 烟瘾极大的人

  2heavy rain/ traffic 大雨/交通繁忙 3 rain heavily

  17. height n. 1 at a height of 30,000 meters 2 It’s about 2 meters high/ in height.



