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新东方在线 英语四级培训




发布时间: 2017年05月22日



小编寄语:熟悉四六级阅读理解题型的同学应该都了解,英语四六级考试阅读理解材料大多选自《时代》《卫报》《今日美国》等外刊。要想阅读理解这部分拿到高分,必须在平常多阅读,掌握新词汇,锻炼阅读速度。但对于很多同学来说,如何每日在浩瀚的互联网世界寻找合适的阅读材料进行分析解读是一项很耗时间的事情。为此, 英语每日精选《卫报》《时代》等外刊上的文章供大家进行阅读练习。

【今日阅读推荐】本篇阅读材料“白领阶层回归正式”选自《经济学人》(原文标题:Back to formality White-collar workers will need to be, or at least look, serious 2011.11.17)。如果大家觉得比较简单,就当作泛读材料了解了解,认识几个新单词或新表达方式也不错。如果大家觉得这些材料理解上有难度,不妨当做挑战自己的拔高训练,希望大家都有进步^^

In 2012 the following will be back in fashion: the landline, the jacket, the commute, the handshake and above all the office itself.

Out of fashion will be the virtual office in which employees sit hunched over laptops in their local Starbucks, joined to their colleagues by webcam and e-mail. Instead, working life will start to resemble its old self before the internet was invented. Employees will turn up to work at predictable hours five days a week, and will comport themselves with greater formality than before. Face-to-face meetings will be preferred to video conferences; ideas will be exchanged not by tweet, but by the coffee machine.

The reason for this will be largely defensive. The repeated shocks to the world economy delivered over the past few years will bring in a culture of corporate risk aversion: the focus will be more on accountability than creativity. With white-collar unemployment remaining high, those who have survived successive rounds of job cuts will feel more than ever determined to hang on to their paychecks—which means being seen at their desks. In 2012 it will no longer seem either cool or wise to send e-mails with the annoying little line that says “sent from my iPhone” at the bottom. Instead e-mails will be tapped out on the office PC. And the office landline will stage a comeback, too.

Companies, under increasing pressure to protect their profits, will focus more attention on white-collar productivity. As output is hard to measure in most professional jobs, managers will fall back on the oldest gauge of performance: favouring those employees who get in early and leave late. In 2012 Woody Allen’s judgment will never have seemed truer: 80% of success is turning up. Or in pretending to turn up. Jackets will be bought in duplicate, so that one can be permanently on the back of the chair.

Managers will start to realise that remote working has been disastrous for spreading corporate culture, and that in particular it has made it difficult for younger workers to pick up the tricks of the trade. With no one to copy, they have failed to adjust well to the world of work. The new formality will suit the young: they will turn up to work smartly dressed and have no option but to immerse themselves in the corporate culture and learn from those above them in the pecking order. They will be happy to distinguish themselves from their unemployed friends: with one in five new graduates out of work, the gap between the professional haves and have-nots will be wider than ever.

In this new, no-nonsense world the lines of management will be redrawn. After more than a decade in which global business has been mainly organised under global, functional teams, there will be a retrenchment along more traditional, regional lines. Travel budgets will be cut further and executives, except in extremis, will be staying put.

This environment will be one in which some women will thrive while others will drop out. Those prepared to work like traditional men and put their families second will find themselves quickly promoted. In 2012 the pressure to have women on boards and in senior positions will be more intense than ever, and so those prepared to play the game will be highly rewarded. So highly, in fact, that we will see a rash of lawsuits from professional white men claiming discrimination. At the same time, however, many more women will drop out of the race altogether, looking at the newly inflexible way of working and deciding they would rather not compete at all.

A great year for gossip

The new, old-style office will be a horrible place to work in some ways, but a nice one in others. Insecurity will be rife; everyone will feel only as good as their last meeting. Office politics will thrive as never before. There will be a new seriousness. Jokes will be out, unless cracked by the boss, in which case appreciative laughter will be compulsory. Yet it will also be a great year for office gossips. The virtual office almost killed the grapevine, it being hard to drum up interest about people one never sees. The year will be a good one for bonding—which will happen naturally around the water cooler rather than unnaturally and at vast expense on an Outward Bound training course.

Most retro of all will be the return of the office canteen (for businesses that still have them), which has been increasingly shunned as office workers have turned to sandwich bars for lunch. But with employees now forced to sit at their desks all day long, they may cease to see the charms of dining al desko on a shrink-wrapped sandwich. Instead people will start to take a—shortish—break at lunch time, going to the canteen for a proper, hot meal.


landline  n. 固话

out of fashion  过时的;不流行的

hunch over  弯腰驼背

webcam  n. 网络摄像头

comport with  适合;与……一致

successive  adj. 连续的;依次的

hang on to  紧紧抓住;紧握

paycheck  n. 薪水

tap out  敲出;敲打出

fall back on  求助于

gauge  n. 测量标准

turn up  出现;出席;出勤

have no option but to  只能……除了……别无选择

immerse in  全神贯注于,专心于

pecking order  社会等级

stay put  留在原地;停住不动

thrive  v. 繁荣;兴旺

drop out  退出;脱离

a rash of  大批

grapevine  秘密情报网;葡萄藤

drum up  竭力争取;纠集;鼓动

at vast expense  大笔的开支

Question time:

1. What's the main reason that white-collar workers back to formality?

2. Can you list 3 features that indicates white-collar workers' back to office?




