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新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2017年03月27日










Nowadays, thanks to the development of Internet, we are exposed to a vast ocean ofinformation. Some argue that so much information brings a great benefit to our life and study.But for me, the experience with surfing Internet leads me to believe that accessing muchinformation cause more problems than it solves.


Perhaps no issue in this world is as significance to students as education. Despite variousresponses people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding which thing should theeducation aim at. I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that preparing for careers should haveprimary consideration.

当看到第一篇文章的时候,已经没有了当初得的兴奋,因为这样的文章实在是太常见了!首先Nowadays这个单词是被无数老师推崇的“高级”单词-_-!!!一直无法理解,为什么有的单词会更高级。然后thanks to节宾语,天呐!多么明显的模板!当我往下看的时候,我只能无意识的检查是否有语法错误,没有语法错误的话,我也就只能给个一般的分数就好了。

但是当看到第二篇文章的时候,初看觉得此文写得不错。用词准确地道,而且完全是自己完成没有模板,但是当我回头再一回味这篇文章的时候,惊讶的发现,这篇文章竟然也是由模板所出!更多的托福写作真题特别推荐Yeeoo这个网站,不仅有很全的题目,还有网友分享的答案。首先Perhaps no issue in this world is assignificance to students as education。看似平淡无奇,但是实际上Perhaps no issue in this world isas significance to就是一个模板,更厉害的是下一句!Despite various responses people may have onthe topic concerning the issue regarding which thing should the education aim at.这么长的一句话,竟然只有最后3个单词不是模板!然后再接下来,下一句的“given the chance, ”其实对于整句话来说根本就没有任何实际上语义的改变!但适当加进来之后,我们会感觉到非常的地道!之所以感觉如此震惊,原因非常简单,就是因为在这篇文章身上完全看不出半点模板的影子,为什么看不出模板的影子呢?就是因为这篇文章的模板是完全原创的,哪怕不是原创的,也是仅在小范围内流传的!而且这篇文章后面类似的妙手不计其数!


In a modern society, people always face the dilemma to choose whether AAA or BBB. Thisproblem is the much debated one in that it affects everybody in their daily lives. People mayprefer one to another although some may have no opinions about it at all. Before rendering myopinion, I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments of both sides.

It is quite easy for average people to choose BBB because of the obvious reason that—. It canbe given by a well known example that

But at the mean time, although BBB has some advantages, it also has many drawbacks such as—. Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than AAA.What is more, the innate quality of AAA, unfortunately, is often underestimated; in otherwords,if you notice the invisible benefits of choosing AAA, you can understand AAA moredeeply

Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons. The main reason is that —. Toillustrate this, there is an appropriate example that is very persuasive: -

— is only part of the important aspects, and another equally significant role of choosing AAAlies in the development of —.

This demonstrates the undeniable fact that —.

Besides, the further reason why I advocate AAA is that —. This may explain why —.

In addition, some experts maintain that —-. This significant point, however, is often notnoticed by most people and accordingly, is unconsciously overlooked

Finally, as a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. Although I admit that there are a coupleof advantages of —-, I still think that the disadvantages of it are more obvious. Such as —, —-, and —-. This demonstrates that we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB isalways better than AAA

If all the factors above are considered, we will find out that the advantages of AAA outweighthose of BBB. Therefore from what we have discussed, we may safely come to the conclusionthat choosing AAA is a rather wise decision. But I have not denied the opinion that choosingBBB. I must admit that people can do well without AAA, but no one can ignore the addedconvenience and satisfaction offered by AAA. Such experience will definitely be helpful inone’s later life。

像这种开头以In a modern society, people always face the dilemma to choose whether AAA orBBB.来作为开始的模板,实在是太多太普遍了。当然还包括“Nowadays, some people hold the opinionthat”“In modern society,”当一看到这样的标题,考官就好像用自己的左手握着自己的右手,丝毫感觉不到有任何的激情产生。但是同样是模板,其实如果我们另辟蹊径,换用一种完全不同的手法来写,感觉就是十分的清新。Before rendering my stand, I think it is essential to take a glance at the argument onboth sides. 就是这样,虽然同样也是在展示自己的观点,但是由于完全不同于以前我们看到的十分程式化的模板。其实模板很多时候看的不是用多少词,以及句型有多么的夸张,其实很多时候凭借前一个词与我们以前看到的文章的匹配程度,就已经有很强的感觉了。


1 新颖:所谓的新颖不代表说你用了什么新的词,用了什么强调句式,倒装句式,指的是全新的,以前的模板没有用过的话,那么怎么才能知道前人到底用过什么模板呢?很简单,到寄托天下或者小马过河的作文互助帖子里面去看一下,不超过20篇,你就对模板是什么样,有一个很深刻的认识了。

2 结构完整,关于结构完整,


1. 确定文章主体框架结构,包括引出观点和总结观点的词汇,句式,这个可能是网大多数模板的水平;

2. 确定论证过程的框架,每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等,确定到论证的逻辑引导词上;

3. 通过改写句子,采用合适的词汇代替以上两步的成果;

4. 改变句式,将各类语法结够加入其中:倒装,独立主格结构,虚拟语气等。






这要看你需要什么句子,如果是找每一段开篇点题的句子,最好还是找一些文学性比较强的东西,比如说一些给白领看的经济类文章,我们经常提到了的[经济学人].The.Economist.就属此类。要想寻找经济学家的话最好还是去verycd这个网站这里就是一个很好的选择。比如说就从2008年11月15日这一期的第12页找到了一个很好的句子,很适合当文章的开头。Asked what China will do to rescue the world fromfinancial turmoil, its officials these days have a boilerplate answer:its greatest contributionwill be to keep its own economy running smoothly.我们把它放在Do you agree or disagree withthe following statement? Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you thinkthat daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to supportyour answer.这个作文题目之下,就可以改写成Asked what teachers will do to improve theirstudents, the response in high schools have a boilerplate answer:the greatest contributionof homework will be to keep its their students appreciating their knowledge entirely.

那么我们提炼一下Asked what …… will do to ……, the response in …… have a boilerplateanswer:the greatest contribution of …… will be to keep its their …….就是一个十分优秀的作文开头模板。

我们也可以从同样是2008年11月15日这一期的120页找到Further evidence of emerging markets’potential comes from the experience of Britain’s AstraZeneca in China.这一句只要稍加修改就可以变成一个非常优秀的2-4段的段落开头,首先把他模板化Further evidence of …… comes from theexperience of …… in …….然后再加入一点倒装句式来证明我们的文学水平Not only does ……come fromthe experience of …… in ……., but (also) evidence of ……subsequently(further) prove……这样一个优秀的论证段的段首句模板就完成了。

至于例子的模板,那么就是新闻的天下了,我们仍然可以在《经济学人The.Economist》里面寻找,当然也可以到新华网的英文版里面寻找。比如说在新华网South Korea’s capital city now has been named theirmost favored travel destination two years in row, according to the report, as 11.4 percent ofthe Chinese, 9.8 percent of the Japanese, and an overwhelming 20.0 percent of the Thaiexpressed their preference for Seoul, toppling cities like Tokyo, Paris and Honolulu in thesurvey. 这里面我们就可以把这个句子直接提炼为模板…… now has been named their most favored…… two years in row, according to the report, as 11.4 percent of the ……, 9.8 percent of the……, and an overwhelming 20.0 percent of the …… expressed their preference for ……,toppling cities like …, … and … in the survey.相识的数字,加上确凿的低点,一切显得都是那么无可辩驳,但是实际上这就是一个模板。

当然我们不肯能每一个句子都是这么长,因此我们可以加入很多For example, Therefore, 所引导的句子来增强文章内部的节奏感,使得读者不会感觉到过于疲惫。

至于末段的模板则是有一些讲究的,但是当看了无数篇作文和《经济学人The.Economist》的文章之后,反思我们很多学生写的“ After ruminating over all these factors, ”“It is more advantageous for us tomake decision alone,”“As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that”这类作文结尾,是否是一种符合欧美人思维的文章,因为你只要稍微把经济学人的文章找几篇文章的结尾看一下就会知道,其实这里面绝大多数时候,都是以罗列多方观点作为末段的开头。然后以开放式的笔法来进行结尾。这与我们很多学生写的一面倒型的结尾是完全不同的。

但是既然我们想制造的就是中国是模板,那么好吧,请将“ After ruminating over all these factors, ”“It ismore advantageous for us to make decision alone,”“As far as I am concerned, I come to thenotion that”收入你的囊中,其实这几个模板结尾还是不错的。




