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新东方在线 英语四级培训




发布时间: 2017年01月03日

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(11.11)


page of Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen in central Phnom Penh, Cambodia October 7, 2015.

Facebook is launching a news mobile app called Notify with subscription content from mediapartners like the Washington Post and Vogue.

The Notify app lets users subscribe to content from media partners on their smartphones.Facebook will be able to add news alerts in its daily notifications to a global audience.

Facebook’s “renewed push into mobile news reflects a big, global shift in media consumptionpatterns,” said the Financial Times.

Facebook’s profit and revenue growth reflected this shift in media. The world’s largest social mediaplatform said its third-quarter revenue grew to $4.5 billion on the strength of its mobileadvertising.

Facebook, with 500 million users, has doubled its daily page views to 8 billion since April. Thecompany also owns Instagram, a mobile photo and video-sharing app with 400 million users.Analysts were optimistic about Instagram’s future growth.

Research firm eMarketer predicted global mobile advertising revenues for Instagram will reach $2.8billion by 2017, up from $595 million this year. This represents over 10 percent of Facebook’sglobal advertising revenues.

This strong showing has positioned Facebook to compete with major social media companies as anadvertising force, said analysts. “Facebook will drive growth and capture nearly 65% of socialnetwork ad revenues in 2015,” reported eMarketer.

Sheryl Sandberg is Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. “In the medium to long run, we believe that we’re not competing between Facebook and Instagram. We’re competing with other forms ofmedia,” Sandberg told analysts on a conference call.

She said Facebook wants to grow in emerging markets and bring more people online who are notusing the Internet.

The advertising environment on social media is very competitive. Social media platforms arefighting for customers on laptops, tablets, phones and even watches.

Twitter is one of Facebook’s competitors. Twitter’s advertising revenues have slowed as thecompany struggles to add new users, reported the Wall Street Journal. Another competitor,Google, is selling more advertisements for less money on its own sites, said Ad Age.

Words in This Story

notify – v. to tell (someone) officially about something

network – n. a system of computers and other devices (such as printers) that are connected toeach other

app – n. a computer application

mobile – adj. able to be moved

optimistic – adj. having or showing hope for the future : expecting good things to happen

analyst – n. a person who studies or analyzes something

site – n. a website or place on the World Wide Web that contains information about a person,organization, etc., and that usually consists of many Web pages joined by hyperlinks

subscribe – v. to pay money to get a publication or service regularly

smartphone – n. a mobile phone with an advanced operating system which has features of apersonal computer




