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新东方在线 英语四级培训




发布时间: 2016年12月12日




U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry traveled toMogadishu, Somalia, Tuesday. He is the firstsecretary of state to visit the country while in office.U.S. officials did not announce the visit before ittook place.

Mr. Kerry met with Somalia's president and prime minister while in Mogadishu. A U.S. StateDepartment official said the secretary's visit showed support for the Somali government'sprogress. Mr. Kerry also wanted to give thanks to the nations that worked with the AfricanUnion peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud told Mr. Kerry that his visit was a great moment forthe country.

ISIS claims responsibility for shooting in Texas

The Islamic State militant group said it is responsible for an attack Sunday on a large meetingplace near Dallas, Texas. Gunmen shot and wounded a guard at the center. ISIS claimedresponsibility in a radio broadcast Tuesday.

A private group was holding a competition at the center for cartoons of Islam's prophetMuhammad. Police shot and killed the two attackers.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement that officials wereinvestigating the attack.

French lawmakers approve spy bill

France's lower house of Parliament has approved a measure would permit spying on terrorismsuspects.

If passed, intelligence services could place cameras and recording devices in suspects' homesand cars without approval from a judge.

The measure would also force communication companies to permit intelligence services touse electronic "lock boxes" to record data from all Internet users in France.

Civil liberties activists have criticized the bill.

Both Socialist majority and conservative opposition lawmakers supported the measure. TheFrench Senate will now begin debate on the bill.

Obama chooses Joe Dunford for Joint Chiefs of Staff chair

President Barack Obama has nominated Marine General Joseph Dunford, Jr. as the nextchairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Dunford led the Afghanistan war coalition in 2013 and 2014. He also supervised thechange of security leadership from NATO to Afghan forces.




