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新东方在线 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年11月23日



  第一类:should 型虚拟式  第二类:were 型虚拟式

  1.should 型虚拟式:should 原形动词(往往省去should, 特别是在考试时)


  (1) It is necessary that…的主语从句中,如:

  It is necessary that the chief should be present personally at the meeting.(主任有必要亲自参加这次会议。)



  essential (必要的) / important(重要的) / necessary(必要的) / imperative(迫切的)/ impossible(不可能的)/ natural(自然的)/ preferable(更好的)/ advisable(合理的)/ desirable(理想的)/ urgent(紧迫的)/ incredible(难以想象的)

  (2) order (命令) / recommend(推荐)/ suggest(建议)/ demand(要求) / command(命令)/ propose(建议)/ require(要求)/ request(请求) / insist(坚持认为)/ urge(主张) / advise(劝告)/ ask(要求)/ prefer(宁愿)/ desire(愿望)/ move(提议)/ vote(提议)


  It was ordered that the medicines (should) be sent there by plane at once. (主语从句)

  The order was that the medicines (should) be sent there by plane at once.(表语从句)

  The chief ordered that the medicines (should) be sent there by plane at once.(宾语从句)

  The order that the medicines (should) be sent there by plane at once was sent to the branch office.(同位语从句)

  (3) 在 in case / lest = for fear that(以免… / 以防…) 结构中,例如:

  He took a raincoat with him in case it should rain (或用真实语气:…in case it rained)

  She put a wool blanket over the child for fear that (lest) he should catch a cold. (她把一条毛毯盖在孩子身上,以防他感冒。)


  就解题而言,考生要注意:1)A的位置往往安排干扰项,如使用must, may, might, could等类词进行干扰;2)句中往往省去should, 直接用否定词not 原形动词的形式,以"迷惑"考生,例如:

  The housemaster(男舍监)was very strict.He asked that we ______ television on week nights.

  A. must not watch

  B. not watch

  C. should not have watched

  D. not be watching

  该题中的"ask"意为"要求",故是个"should型"虚拟式, 正确答案为B.

  (4)在it is surprising, disappointing, a pity, a shame, no wonder, simply a miracle 从句的结构中,表示惊讶、高兴或遗憾,例如:

  It is surprising that she should look so miserable. (真是奇怪,她竟看上去如此不高兴。)

  It is a great pity that you should miss such a good film. (你要是错过了这样好的电影那真是遗憾。)




  (1) if非真实条件句:


  真实条件句是指真实的或可以实现的条件句,例如:If we work together, we are sure to finish the task in time. (如果我们大家一起努力,就一定能按时完成任务), 动词使用的是真实的时态和形式。

  非真实条件句是指对已经发生过的事情,或对不可能发生或实现的事进行假设,例如:"如果当时有医生在,这个孩子就有可能得救了",显然,这是对已发生的事情的一种假设,该句的英语表达为:If there had been a doctor available, the child might have been saved.

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