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发布时间: 2016年08月22日

南非幻术赌球加速秃鹫绝迹 -新概念英语




Gamblers Betting On Dried Vulture Brains





  Muti magic could accelerate the decline in rare Cape vultures.

  South Africa's vultures are being pushed into extinction by gamblers who believe smoking their dried brains will give them special powers, wildlife organizations have warned.

  While British fans study the form book and the back pages, some South Africans believe the "muti" magic will help them predict football match results.

  And they are hoping the World Cup will be a great opportunity for a big win.

  Conservationists fear the birds, which are already facing global extinction, will be further threatened by the superstition.

  Executive director of BirdLife South Africa, Mark Anderson, said: "Many vulture species across the world are in trouble.

  "Our very own species in southern Africa is declining sharply for a number of reasons, including reduced food availability, deliberate poisoning and electrocution from electricity pylons.

  "The harvesting of the bird's heads by followers of muti magic is an additional threat these birds can't endure."

  The RSPB's Dr Chris Magin said: "One in every six of the world's birds of prey are facing extinction and during the past two decades vultures have virtually vanished from West Africa, South Asia and other parts of the world."

  Steve McKean, from KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife, studies the affect of vultures due to muti magic.

  Within half a century, the Cape vulture could become extinct in some parts of South Africa because of this "so-called 'traditional' use" of the bird, he said.

  "In the worst case, the Cape vulture could be suffering population collapse within 12 years," he said.

  There are 841 species of birds recorded in South Africa but 39 of these are considered threatened with global extinction.

  Conservationists say most vultures killed for muti magic are poisoned with aldicarb, which is also lethal to humans.




