发布时间: 2016年08月11日
A new study has found that the time needed for a man to fall in love at first sight is 8.2seconds. And, if it lasts just four seconds, he may not be all that impressed. But if can break the 8.2 second barrier, he could already be in love。
最新研究发现男性对女性一见钟情只需8.2 秒。如果男性的目光在女性身上只停留了四秒钟,那表示他可能对这个女性没有太大兴趣。但如果他的目光停留的时间超过了8.2 秒,那么他可能已经坠入爱河了。
However, women let their eyes linger on men for the same length of time whether they find them attractive or not。
According to the researchers, men use eye contact to seek out fit and fertile mates but women are more wary of attracting unwanted attention because of the risks of unwanted pregnancy and single parenthood。