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新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年08月11日


新东方托福网络课程免费试听 祝大家取得好成绩!

1,stop by——在某处着短暂的拜访或停留

-I'll stop by your room, its probably quieter there than in my hall

-Why don't you stop by our office so I can give you some forms to fill out and explain everything in more detail?

2,strengthen straighten out——扯平,结清

-I almost forgot I still owe you ten dollars from the other night, do you have change for a twenty

Oh, not at the moment, let’s just strengthen it out some other time

3,switch off——使什么断开,切断电源

-Switch off the light, would you?

4,take care of——照顾,照应

-What would you do with your cat when you leave for vacation?

I am having Ken take care of it

5,take for——当成,误以为

-I thought Pam said the math test wasn't until Monday 我想PAM说过数学要到星期一才考

Alan ,you should know better than to take Pam's words for anything 不应该把他的话当真

6,take for granted——认为理所当然,想当然的认为

-We take for granted some of the other invitions inventions that enable people to live and work in skyscrapers


7,take forever to do——永远做不完

-this calculous problems are not only tough they take forever to do

8,take it easy——回避艰苦劳动或担忧 轻松愉快,生活很舒适

-Holding down a job, going to class, studying sometimes it can become too much for one person, take it easy

-Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while

-in the mean time(同时) ,you should try to take it easy

9,take one's time ——从从容容,不着急,慢慢来

-Take your time and you 'all spend less money

-Bruce said he would meet us

Well, He is really taking his time getting here

10,take over——控制和 接管 ,接替或负责

-We got someone to take over herry's job

-Can you take over for me here; I have a client coming to see me

Well I can't have my hands for

well I kind of(相当于sort of 表示 a little ,somewhat 有点儿有些

have my hands full (=tied up ,occupied 忙)

11,take up——1、开始做或学;以什么为职业或爱好

-Robber wants to take up drawing


-I think we should we should move on to the next item

Ok, but I’d like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting




