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发布时间: 2016年08月09日

兄弟反目:揭秘首例Twitter杀人事件(图) -新概念英语





首例Twitter杀人事件 兄弟情仇上演
首例Twitter杀人事件 兄弟情仇上演

近日,美国发生一起枪击事件,而事件导火索竟是热门网站 Twitter!原来受害人布莱克和凶手达西是邻居,感情很好。而最近二人却同时爱上一个女孩儿,心生间隙、互看对方不顺眼。没事就在Twitter上对骂,写满发泄和挑衅的语言。终于某日,达西忍不住拔枪杀害了好友布莱克。达西被捕后一度否认犯罪事实,而被警方顺藤摸瓜,从两人的Twitter账户里找出作案线索。现在他们二人的twitter记录将作为呈堂证供、交由法院秉公处理。沪江小编看罢不禁感慨,网络虽好、善用才是。各位看官谨记:文明评论、理性发言。兄弟如手足、Twitter如衣服。

Twitter becomes key evidence in case after Jameg Blake charged with murdering friend。

It started as a simple Twitter beef, 140-character spurts of anger by two young men who grew up together。

But the tough talk exploded out of cyberspace and onto the streets of Harlem, where a college student was gunned down feet from Gov.Paterson's home。

Now tweets sent by victim Kwame Dancy, 22, and accused killer Jameg Blake, 22, could become key evidence in a murder trial, the Daily News has learned。

Dancy's mother, Madeline Smith, is appalled Internet chest-thumping could have led to blood spilled on the side walk。

"That's not a reason to shoot somebody," she said last week. "That's crazy. I don't know what's going on with that Twitter thing."

Dancy, who was studying to be a nurse, was killed by a shotgun blast to the neck Dec. 1 across from Lenox Terrace in Harlem, where he grew up with his father。

Blake- who lived on the same floor as Dancy, one floor below Paterson in the luxury high-rise on W. 132nd St. - was arrested two days later。

Charged with murder, he pleaded not guilty Wednesday and was held without bail。

Policesources said the two had a rocky relationship and the Twitter messages they posted - with friends jumping in - only made it worse。

Hours before the shooting, Dancy may have taunted Blake with a tweet: "N-----s is lookin for u don't think I won't give up ya address for a price betta chill asap!"

Blake's Twitter account is also full of online disses, though only one tweet mentions Dancy by name: "R.I.P. Kwame" on Dec.3.

A police source said the messages may be subpoenaed to bolster the theory that there was bad blood between the two old pals。

Butthe Twitter beef wasn't the only strain; Dancy and Blake fought lastsummer over a girl in front of Lenox Terrace, sources said。

Despite the insults and fisticuffs, when Blake was collared, Dancy's mom was stunned。

"They were good friends, that's the sad part about it," said Smith, who is divorced from Dancy's dad and lives in Brooklyn. "Obviously, I didn'tknow him like I thought I did. I just want to ask him. 'Why? How could you?'"

She said her son had taken off a semester from Manhattan Community College and was training with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. He planned to return to school and get his degree。

He had tried to steer Blake - a high school dropout and father of a baby boy - to get his GED。

"They'vebeen friends since they were kids. Kwame would often try to help when[Blake] was going through stuff - and this was his thank you?" Smithsaid。

Blake's arrest was particularly shocking because he showed up at Harlem Hospital after Dancy was shot and hugged his father。

"Either he wanted to see if he actually killed [Kwame] or he wanted to see if anyone knew he did it," Smith said。

Authoritieshave a witness who identified Blake as the gunman, and video showsBlake leaving Lenox Terrace around the time of the shooting with a baglarge enough to hold a shotgun。

Records also show Blake used hisphone around the time and place of the shooting. The murder weapon, ashotgun with a spent shell, was recovered with two shirts in CentralPark。

Blake's parents and lawyer Thomas Klein declined to comment。

Meanwhile, Dancy's mom cries every night about her son。

"Hesaid, 'Mommy, I'm going to be a nurse,'" she said. "And look at this -we'll never know how far he would have gone. His dream was snatchedfrom him, over foolishness."




