发布时间: 2016年07月20日
问题 你决定去见一个住在145公里之外的朋友,你会开车去,还是坐火车去?
Choice A: Car
- personal space
- stop when I want
- travel on my schedule
Choice B: train
- company shortens journey
- cheaper
- no traffic jams
Topic sentence
- I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules.
Supporting sentence
- My car is private and comfortable.
- There is room to spread out
- There are stops along the way I would like to make.
Closing sentence (optional)
- I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if at all possible to visit my friend.
I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. My car is private and comfortable. I enjoy my own personal space. When driving alone, I can listen to any radio program I like or put on my favorite CD’s. There s no need for me to pack headphones or equipment in a bag to carry onto public transport. There is room to spread out and I don’t have to worry about my bag being in someone’s way. I find driving more relaxing and it allows me to set the pace of my trip. Occasionally, there are stops along the way I want to make. I would be free, for example, to drop into stores that catch my interest. Generally, when I drive, I can leave any arrive on my own schedule. I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if possible to visit my friends.
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