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发布时间: 2016年07月19日

新概念英语自学导读:第一册 Lesson59-60


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.writing paper, 信纸。

paper意为“纸”、“纸张”时是不可数名词,一张纸应是 a sheet of paper或 a piece of paper。类似的名词还有:glue(a bottle of glue一瓶胶水);chalk(a box/piece of chalk一盒/枝粉笔);ink (a bottle of ink一瓶墨水)。

2.I only have small boxes. 我只有小盒的。

boxes后省略了 of chalk。

3.Do you want one? 您要一盒吗?

one代替 one small box of chalk。

4.What else do you want? 您还要什么吗?

What else…? 可以看成是表示疑问的一个句式,意思是“还有什么……吗?”else常接在疑问代词、不定代词及疑问副词后面,表示“此外”、“别的”、“其他的”。又如:

Who else is from New York? 还有谁是从纽约来的?

When else shall we meet again? 什么其他的时间我们再见面?

What else did he say? 他还说了些什么?

语法 Grammar in use

完全动词 have(1)

have当“拥有”讲时,可用于所有的一般时态,却不能用于进行时态(is having, are having等)。

词汇学习 Word study

1.change n.


Here is your change. 这是你的零头。

I have no change about me. 我身边没有零钱。


Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food. 烤牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。

Let's go to a French restaurant for a change. 咱们去家法国餐馆吧,换换口味。

2.size n.


What size does she want? 她想要几号的?

This blouse is your size. 这件衬衣是你这号尺码的。


There are houses of all sizes in that town. 那个镇上有着大大小小各式房子。

We have chosen some boys all of the same size. 我们选出了一些个头一般高的男孩子。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 60


1 I don't have any grapes, but I have some peaches.

2 I don't have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes.

3 I don't have any mince, but I have some steak.

4 I don't have any glue, but I have some ink.

5 I don't have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper.


1 I don't have any honey, but I have some jam.

2 Penny and I don't have any beans, but we have some potatoes.

3 Penny and Sam don't have any wine, but they have some beer.

4 Sam and I don't have any bread, but we have some biscuits.

5 Sam and Penny don't have any grapes, but they have some bananas.

6 I don't have any mince, but I have some steak.

7 The children don't have any butter, but they have some eggs.

8 I don't have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages.

9 Penny and I don't have any beans, but we have some peas.




