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发布时间: 2016年07月15日

新概念英语自学导读:第一册 Lesson51-52


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Where do you come from? 你是哪国人?

问对方是什么地方人。come from表示来源或籍贯。也可说:Where are you from? 在第7课中出现过类似的句子。

2.What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样?

句中like是介词,不是动词,它的宾语是 What。又如:What's the weather like in spring? climate指某一地区数年间的天气情况;weather是指某个特定的时间内晴、雨、风、雪变化。对于这类问题的回答可以是 It's very pleasant(很好)或 It rains sometimes(有时下雨)。这里的it均指天气。

3.It's often windy in March. 3月里常常刮风。

表示在某个月份里通常用介词in。类似用in的时间短语课文中还有 in April(在4月),in June(在 6月),in September(在 9月)等等。

often(经常),always(总是,老是),sometimes(有时)都是课文中出现的表示非确定频度的副词。这些副词一般用来回答用how often 提问的问题。

语法 Grammar in use

What…(be. look, etc.) like?

我们把What…like? 这一句型用于询问事物的状况,例如天气、气候等:

What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What's it like today? 今天怎么样?

What's the climate like in your country? 你们国家气候怎么样?


What's your brother like? 你兄弟是个什么样子?

What's your house like? 你的房子是什么样的?

许多形容词可用以回答What…like? 这样的问题,并可根据上下文给以笼统的或确切的信息。例如课文中表示天气或气候的形容词有pleasant(宜人的),windy(有风的),hot(热的),cold(冷的),warm(温暖的)等等。

词汇学习 Word study

1.sometimes adv.


It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气时冷时热。

Sometimes he visits his aunt who lives nearby. 他有时会去看望他那住在附近的婶婶。

2.pleasant adj.


The climate in my hometown is always pleasant. 我家乡的气候总是宜人而舒爽。

This study is pleasant to work in. 在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。


She's such a pleasant girl. 她真是个可爱的姑娘。

Andrew seemed very pleasant on the phone. 安德鲁在电话里显得很和蔼可亲。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 52


1 We come from Germany, but Dimitri comes from Greece.

2 I like cold weather, but he likes warm weather.

3 He comes from the U. S., but she comes from England.

4 She doesn't like the winter, but she likes the summer.

5 I come from Norway, but you come from Spain.

6 Stella comes from Spain, but Hans and Karl come from Germany.

7 We don't come from Spain. We come from Brazil.


1 Where does she come from?

Does she come from England?

No, she doesn't come from England. She comes from the U. S.

What nationality is she?

She's American.

2 Where do they come from?

Do they come from France?

No, they don't come from France. They come from England.

What nationality are they?

They're English.

3 Where does he come from?

Does he come from France?

No, he doesn't come from France. He comes from Germany.

What nationality is he?

He's German.

4 Where does he come from?

Does he come from Italy?

No, he doesn't come from Italy. He comes from Greece.

What nationality is he?

He's Greek.

5 Where do they come from?

Do they come from Greece?

No, they don't come from Greece. They come from Italy.

What nationality are they?

They're Italian.

6 Where do they come from?

Do they come from Brazil?

No, they don't come from Brazil. They come from Norway.

What nationality are they?

They're Norwegian.

7 Where do they come from?

Do they come from Norway?

No, they don't come from Norway. They come from Greece.

What nationality are they?

They're Greek.

8 Where does she come from?

Does she come from Italy?

No, she doesn't come from Italy. She comes from Spain.

What nationality is she?

She's Spanish.

9 Where does she come from?

Does she come from Norway?

No, she doesn't come from Norway. She comes from France.

What nationality is she?

She's French.

10 Where does he come from?

Does he come from the U. S.?

No, he doesn't come from the U. S. He comes from Brazil.

What nationality is he?

He's Brazilian.




