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发布时间: 2016年07月15日

新概念英语自学导读:第一册 Lesson49-50


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.What about some steak? 来点牛排吗?

句中What可以换成How,用来征求对方看法或意见。请参看Lessons 31~32课文详注。

2.to tell(you) the truth, 老实说,说实话。


To tell you the truth, I don't like his new car at all. 给你讲实话,我一点儿也不喜欢他的那辆新车。


13th----thirteenth 14th----fourteenth 15th----fifteenth

16th----sixteenth 17th----seventeenth 18th----eighteenth

19th----nineteenth 20th----twentieth 21st----twenty-first

22nd----twenty-second 23rd----twenty-third 24th----twenty-fourth

语法 Grammar in use


含有or的问句称为选择疑问句。or之前的部分读升调,之后的部分读降调。这种疑问句不能简单地用Yes或No 来回答。选择疑问句把选择的余地缩小在数目有限的事物、行动等上面,可以有无限性的选择、3项选择以及两项选择。选择疑问句通常可以采用缩略形式,如:

Beef or lamb? 牛肉还是羔羊肉?


What would you like to drink? 你喜欢喝什么?(无限性选择)

Which/What would you prefer, tea or coffee? 茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪一种?(两项选择)

Would you like tea, coffee, or milk? 你喜欢茶、咖啡、还是牛奶?(3项选择)

How shall we go, by bus or by train? 我们怎么走?乘公共汽车还是坐火车?

Did you go there, or didn't you? 你去了那儿还是没有去?

Did you or didn't you go there? 你是去了还是没有去那儿?


(可参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。)

词汇学习 Word study

1.too adv.


I like lamb, too. 我也喜欢小羊肉。

Can I come, too? 我也来,行吗?

I, too, have been to Shanghai. 我也到过上海。

2.either adv.


He doesn't like the house, and I don't like it, either. 他不喜欢这所房子,我也不喜欢。

If you do not go, I shall not go, either. 如果你不去,那么我也不去。

I haven't seen the film and my sister hasn't either. 我没有看过那部电影,我妹妹也没看过。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 50


1 He likes coffee, but I don't.

2 She likes tea, but he doesn't.

3 He is eating some bread, but she isn't.

4 She can type very well, but he can't.

5 They are working hard, but we aren't.

6 He is reading a magazine, but I am not.


1 Yes, he does.

He likes cabbage, but he doesn't want any.

2 Yes, he does.

He likes lettuce, but he doesn't want any.

3 Yes, I do.

I like peas, but I don't want any.

4 Yes, she does.

She likes beans, but she doesn't want any.

5 Yes, I do.

I like bananas, but I don't want any.

6 Yes, he does.

He likes oranges, but he doesn't want any.

7 Yes, he does.

He likes apples, but he doesn't want any.

8 Yes, she does.

She likes pears, but she doesn't want any.

9 Yes, I do.

I like grapes, but I don't want any.

10 Yes, she does.

She likes peaches, but she doesn't want any.




