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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年07月01日

雅思口语话题范文:Artist - 雅思口语



Tai Lihua, the disabled lead dancer of "The Thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy", impressed every audience by her refined performance but more by her spirit. In my eyes, she is not only a dancer on the stage, but a dancer who inspires people, especially for those who have disabilities.


When she was two years old, she caught a fever that damaged her hearing. She could no longer hear and started to live in a silent world. She was sent to the school for deaf and mutes at the age of seven. There was a special class called rhythm, where the teacher stamped on the floor to let the pupils feel the vibrations. This lesson was so significant because she discovered the rhythm, in which for the first time she felt the strong rhythm of her own body, the sound for her.

At the age of 15, she wanted to receive professional dance training, but she had to pass the instructor's test. Within half month, her instructor was happy to see that she showed promise as a dancer. When she started to practice dancing every step on stage, she had to dance under the direction of her instructor who waved and beat the rhythm off stage. She had to dance different movements with the beat until she was absolutely exhausted.


Her dancing is beautiful and inspiring. Every time she dances, she tries to convey the music in her heart to the audience. When the sixth international disabled people's convention was held in Tokyo in 2002, over 2000 delegates of disabled people's associations in more than 100 countries and regions watched the performance. Tai Lihua shocked the audience with her beautiful performance and was honoured “ambassador” of six hundred million disabled in the world and “messenger of beauty and friendship”.

She told the reporters that a dancer has a limited public performance “shelf-life”. She is already in her 30s. If health permits, she will dance for a few more years. If not, she will pass on all her dancing skills to those deaf children like herself.



