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发布时间: 2016年06月27日






此剑属于极难修炼之式,需要配合高级心法,长期练习方能有所成就,时间紧就跳过吧。本剑基本只适合要求有些高的战友。不过不管是谁,有这个意识肯定是好的,说不定考的时候灵感一来就妙口生花,博得rater的好感。这里首先要注意的是,rater期待的理想完美答案不是一定的,但是所有表达都对这 reading和listening材料照本宣科的回答肯定是不会受到rater青睐的。其实不需要你都换,只要在合适的位置小换一下,哪怕就一下,你的这一表现马上就会让rater耳朵一竖,眼睛一亮,在那些完全复述材料的考生中脱颖而出。rater会觉得你有这个能力有机处理输入信息,而不是完全呀呀学语。你换4个或5个对考官来说没有区别,但是你换1个和换0个却有很大区别。

然后要明确哪些该换,哪些不能换。专有名词绝对不能替换;多音节的那种大词(名,形,动),像responsibility, spectacular, misrepresent...一般不要换;比较怪异的非日常生活用语以及被反复强调的也许很常用但是在题中有特殊涵义的词不能换...这些应该都比较好把握。可以换的就是那些通俗常用的义项,表达多用副词,介词,小词,熟词的意义。举个例子,There are more and more people in Shanghai可以换成the population is increasing;A is harmful to B可以换成A brings harm to, A endangers B, A poses a threat to B,B suffers much from A;A enables B to do sth可以换成A makes it possible for B to do sth,B is now able to do sth thanks to/ due to/ because of A......这些变化要能快速反映出来,并非一朝一夕,只有平时多积累才能略有小成。就是熟悉各种句式,语法结构功能,同义词等等。这个过程其实是和写作紧密联系的。平时注意不要让表达单调,有意识多换词表达同一个意思,久而久之就能冰冻三尺了。仍然推荐朗文的那个词典,它右下角有个 activator,表达同一个义项很管用。bt和emule都有下载的。另外,在换词的过程中,注意不要盲目乱换,一定要确保感***彩不变,书面口语体不要混淆,语境要恰当吻合,别让老美觉得我们迂腐不堪。下面我把我自己总结一些常用义项换词贴出来,这些我考试的时候仍然都没用上,换上的是临时蹦出来的一个词。说明,这个短期突破基本上很困难。以下词具体用的时候请先参见辞典,别用的不恰当,否则还不如不换词。

能,会,可以:can, (would) be able to, have the chance/opportunity to do.., get to do

应该:should, be supposed to, shall, have to, must, be required to, it is necessary for sb to..

上升,增加:(vi.)increase, go up, rise, (vt.) increase, raise (n.) growth, rise, increase.

下降,减少/小:(vt.) decrease, reduce, lower (vi.) decrease, fall, drop,go/come down, decline. (n.) fall, decrease, decline, drop

变:change, alter, become (different/big/small/..), get, grow

知道,了解,意识到:know, be aware/concious of, realize, get information about,

证实,表明:show, suggest, indicate, make it clear that

很大程度上,基本上:greatly, considerably, enormously, significantly, basically

提高,变好:improve, make better, enhance

采取(措施):adopt, take

提出(政策):propose, offer

废除:eliminate, get rid of, do way with, dispense with

提供:provide, offer, give

任务:assignment, job, work, task

有用,帮助:beneficial, helpful, useful, be a great help to, do good to, bring benefit to, be good for

方法:way, approach, strategy, method

观点:idea, belief, view, opinion

影响:affect(vt.), influence(vt.), have influence/effect/impact on

(被)允许:allow, permit, can, may, be free to do

恢复,复原:restore, recover, bring back

阻止:prevent, stop, keep (sth/sb from doing sth)

花费:spend, take, cost, put in, make effort

参加:join, take part in, participate in, engage in, get involved in, attend, be a part of

调整,调节:adjust, regulate, control

产生,创造:create, produce, make, generate, bring about, form

表现,显现出:show, display, demonstrate, represent

确保:ensure, guarantee, assure (of), promise

最后:in the end, eventually, at last, finally

行为方式,做法:act, practice

建议:suggest, say should, advise, recommend

决定:decide, choose, make up one's mind

查明:find out, discover, figure out

导致,引起:cause, result in, lead to, bring about, contribute to

限制:limit, restrict, confine, put a limit on

正在做,努力:work on

延期相关:more time, extra time, extension, later deadline; put off, postpone, put back to, delay, (until)

因素:cause, factor, reason

合适:fit, suit, be suitable/fit/right

需要:require, need, it is necessary for..to..,demand

不变:fixed, constant, stable, unchanged (unchanging)

担心:worry about, be concerned about, care about

解决:solve/resolve, address, deal with, work out, tackle

解释:tell, explain, spell out, say how..





