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发布时间: 2016年05月27日



新概念三Lesson21《Daniel Mendoza》介绍了拳击史上最引人注目的人物之一:Daniel Mendoza。通过引入科学,他成功地将拳击变成了一种体育运动。在现实生活中,我们不太会真正地去接触拳击活动。可是看到一些电影中的场景时,大家会不会充满了热血呢?拳击手一直是勇气的化身,他们永远不向命运低头!今天小编为大家带来几部好莱坞的经典Boxing Movies。让我们在电影的幻境中血液沸腾一下吧!

Since the introduction of boxing in ancient times, it has mirrored the struggle of every man who has ever gone toe to toe with an opponent, be it of flesh or the spirit. Boxing can be seen as a metaphor for every fight in a man’s life, those moments where it doesn’t come down to equipment or trick plays, but all that’s left when life is stripped down to the bare essentials: grit, determination, and heart.

The parallel between boxing and life is also what makes the boxing movie such great cinema. Whether or not you’ve ever stepped into a boxing gym, the themes of human triumph, defeat, and perseverance inevitably resonate. We connect to the characters because we’ve all been the scrappy underdog pinned against the ropes at one time or another. And we all want to believe we can make a comeback and become the champ.

Rocky series 洛奇系列

【主 演:西尔维斯特•史泰龙】

No way we could make a list of the best boxing movies without kicking it off with the quintessential Rocky series. Now there are plenty of barroom debates on which Rocky is the best. Some guys go with number 2 because Rocky actually beats Apollo Creed. Others claim number 3 is the best simply because Mr. T is in it. Each Rocky movie has its own charm, and you’ll feel truly inspired by the time the credits start rolling.
在评选最佳拳击电影时,没有人会漏掉《洛奇》系列,它是拳击电影的经典之作。很多人会争论到底哪部《洛奇》拍得最好。有人说第二部最好,因为故事的结局洛奇最终打败了Apollo Creed。而有些人认为第三部最好,仅仅因为里面有Mr. T。不过,每一部《洛奇》都有它独有的魅力,尤其是当电影结束,字幕滚动时,你一定会感到热血沸腾。

Cinderella Man 铁拳男人


The story of the film itself parallels the story of its protagonist; counted out when it hit the theaters, the movie has gathered more and more fans as time has gone by. It’s an incredibly inspiring story. After an injury caused James Braddock to plummet from the top of the boxing world, he struggled to survive and provide for his family during the Great Depression. At nearly the breaking point, he gets a chance to fight again. Everyone expected him to be an easy opponent, but a desperate and hungry man can be extremely dangerous. He wins the fight and continues to win, leading him to fight in the heavyweight championship. Braddock’s true story is about more than boxing; his rise, fall, and dream of redemption mirrored the whole nation’s hopes.
《铁拳男人》是一部由真实故事改编的传记电影,随着时间的推移,此片受到了越来越多的观众的喜爱。这是一部励志电影。故事的主角James Braddock由于一次意外受伤,从拳击事业的巅峰一落千丈。同时,美国正处于经济大萧条时期,Braddock艰难地维持着家庭的生计。在几近崩析的时刻,他得到了一个再次站上拳击台的机会。所有人都认为他是个很容易对付的对手,然而像Braddock一般不顾一切异常渴望胜利的人是很危险的。Braddock赢得了一场又一场的胜利,直至重量级锦标赛。Braddock的故事不仅仅是一个拳击手的故事,他的人生起伏和救赎之梦暗示了美国的国家希望。

Raging Bull 愤怒的公牛

【获奖情况:1981年 奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖)最佳剪辑、最佳男主角
1981年 金球奖(Golden Globe) 最佳男主角(剧情类)】

Based on the autobiography of middleweight boxing champ Jack LaMotta, Raging Bull pulls no punches in its portrayal of a violent sport and the detrimental effects it can have on a man. Robert DeNiro gives a raw performance of a man who’s filled with anger, sexual jealousy, and pure violence. Director Martin Scorsese created a film that’s so violent and disturbing. It sort of leaves you numb at the end. But it causes you to think and reflect upon the ancient Platonic idea that sexual appetite and anger must be tempered with maturity and wisdom or else a man will be driven to ruin.
影片根据前世界中量级拳王杰克拉莫塔的真实经历改编。《愤怒的公牛》毫不留情地真实描绘了拳击这项暴力的运动给人带来的负面效应。罗伯特•德尼罗非常真实地演绎了一个充满愤怒、性嫉妒和暴力的男人。导演Martin Scorsese创造了一部如此暴力和令人不安的电影,甚至在故事的结尾你可能会感到有些麻木。但这部电影却能让你反思一个很古老的柏拉图式理念:只有心灵的成熟和智慧才能安抚愤怒和性欲,否则人们必将走向自我毁灭。




