当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年6月英语四级词汇练习题答案解析(2)
新东方在线 英语四级培训




发布时间: 2016年05月26日



1.The Minister of Finance stresses that the quality of goods, ____ the quantity of production, is the key to improving the nation’s economy.

A) other than B) rather than

C) more than D) better than

2.If people are not held responsible for their they are drunk,then we____forgive drunken drivers

A) may well as B) had better

C) might as well D) would rather

3.He might have been dead ____ the arrival of the doctors.

A) but for B) except for

C) with D) on

4.These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

A) respectively B) undoubtedly

C) incredibly D) exclusively

5.It’s strange that Amy ____ her aunt in every way.

A) takes down B) takes after

C) takes to D) takes on

6.With the experience approaching the final success, everyone knows that they can not ____ a single minor mistake and thing.

A) inflict B) endure

C) stand D) afford

7.The boss stressed the criterion that a qualified waiter must do every service ____ the satisfaction of his customers.

A) for B) by

C) on D) to

8.Only after many years of hard work ____ that money alone does not lead to happiness and success.

A) I did realize B) had I realized

C) did I realize D) I had realized

9.When automation is introduced into the factory, all the work done by hand will ____ the assembly line.

A) take the place of B) replace

C) be attributed to D) give way to

10.The travelers were ready to enjoy the spectacular tidal waves when suddenly a thick fog came up and ____ the whole scene.

A) blurred B) belittled

C) banned D) collapsed

11.A healthy life is frequently thought to be__with the open countryside and homegrown food.

A)tied B)bound C)involved D)associated

12.Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are__ in grocery stores.

A)ready B)approachable C)probable D)available

13.The shy girl felt __ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.

A)amazed B)awkward C)curious D)amused

14.Only a few people have ______ to the full facts of the incident.

A) access B) resort C) contact D) assess

15.There is no ______ evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab.

A)attraction B)appointment C)access D)solid


1.B。  财政部长强调,促进国民经济的关键不是产量,而是产品的质量。短语辨析题,要求后面考生能辨析...than的差别,并能正确使用。other than 表示“不同于”,“除了”;more than 是“大于”,“多于”,而better than 常指“比……更好”,“胜于”;只有rather than指“不是……(而是……)”,符合本题语境。

2.C。  如果人们不必为自己酒后的行为承担责任,那么我们还是原谅那些酒后驾车的司机为好。本题是考察几个与情态动词相关的习惯用语的使用。might/may as well 是比较常用但许多考生并不明确的习惯表达,表示have no better reason not to...(没理由不……还是……为好);没有may well as 这种说法,另外两个短语大多数考生比较熟悉:had better ——最好;would rather——宁可……也不,宁愿。

3.A。  要不是大夫赶来,他可能已经死了。本题测试重点是虚拟语气的使用。but for的意思是if not(要是没有,要不是),要求后面跟虚拟语气的谓语。其他三个选项从意思上均说不通。

4.D。  这些地区矿产资源贫乏,工业发展滞后,几乎完全依赖农业,本题测试副词的用法。四个选项分别为respectively(分别地,各个地);undoubtedly(毋庸质疑地,的确地);incredibly(难以置信地);exclusively(排外地,专有地)。根据句意只能选D。

5.B。  很奇怪,艾米长得特别像她姑妈。本题测试take的短语动词的使用。各选项的意思分别为:take down——拿下,记下,拆卸,病倒;take after——长得相似;take to——从事,喜欢,养成……习惯;take on——聘用,承担(工作,责任等)。显然本题正确答案是B。与take 相关的短语动词有许多,请考生多加注意。

6.D。  实验接近尾声,即将获得最后的成功。每个人都明白谁都承担不起因一个小差错而毁掉全局的后果。词语辨析题,主要明确 can’t afford 的含义及用法。can’t afford 表示“承担不起……的责任/后果”;inflict 后常接on/upon,表示“使……受(痛苦),给……以(打击/惩罚)”;endure也常与cannot等否定词连用,表示“不能容忍/忍受”;而 stand 表示“容忍”之意时与endure用法相同。

7.D。  老板强调指出,要做一名合格的服务员必须使自己的服务让顾客满意。本题考察介词的使用。do sth. to the satisfaction of sb. 的意思是“把某事做得使某人满意”,其他三个选项均不合题意。

8.C。  在经过多年的努力工作之后,我才意识到金钱本身并不能带来幸福和成功。

本题考察考生对虚拟语气和倒装句的正确使用。only after 表示“在……之后”,要求后面跟虚拟语气,同时,如果把only after置于句首则要求用倒装语序,综合考虑只有C答案正确。

9.D。  工厂引入自动控制之后,所有由手工进行的工作都将让位于装配线。本题是短语辨析题,主要考察考生对give way to 与take the place of 等短语/词汇的区别。give way to (让位于)既包含着take the place of / replace的意思,又不仅仅是take the place of / replace 的意思,它强调了被比较对象的关系,如 A gives way to B 表示“B 取代了A,A 因退步/落后等原因让位于B”。所以本题答案是D。

10.A。  游客们正要欣赏壮观的海啸,突然一阵浓雾出现了,整个景色变得一片模糊。词语辨析题,要求考生能够辨析blur等词语,并学会正确使用。blur—把视线、界限等弄得模糊不清;belittle—轻视,使……显得渺小;ban—禁止,取缔;collapse—倒塌,失败,崩溃。


associate vi.交往n.伙伴,同事 D

associate oneself with 加入

associate sth.with 把(某事物与其他事物)联系在一起

associate with 和……来往



available a.可利用的;通用的



awkward a.笨拙的;尴尬的




access n.通道,入口;接近,进入;接近的机会 vt.存取(计算机文件)

注意与之搭配的介词必须是to, 如:have free access to the library 自由进入图书馆;注意相近词的区别:access, assess(评价,评估)和excess(超过,过度)。



solid adj.结实的;实心的;固体的;可靠的;纯质的;连续的 n.固体

solid foundation 稳固的基础;a solid mass of matter 一连串众多的时间




