发布时间: 2016年05月24日
老师:6.5分和5.5分的主要区别只有一个:是否能进行复杂论证?5.5分的考生可能会非常流利,但是,回答问题可能过于简单或者流于表面,很难对于比较难的问题进行深入论证。而6.5分的考生则可以进行相对复杂的论证。举个例子,在介绍家乡这个环节的时候,5.5分的答案可能是这样的:Beijing is the capital of China. It is a large city. The city has a very long history. It was the capital of six dynasties. 而一个6.5分的答案可能是这样的:Beijing is both traditional and modern. On one hand, it’s an old city with a long history. On the other hand, you can see it’s very prosperous. There are skyscrapers everywhere.
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