发布时间: 2016年05月20日
本文为TPO口语参考答案及题目。新东方在线托福网整理TPO6口语Task2题目、TPO6口语Task2参考答案、TPO6口语Task2范文模板、TPO6口语Task2答案解析。更多TPO口语题目及参考答案(独立口语 综合口语)尽在新东方在线托福考试频道!
Some people have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points in their lives.Which do you think is better?Explain why.
I would prefer to have one career throughout my life because firstly, I don’t likehopping from company to company and would rather just stay with one.
When I was young, I had to travel and live in many different parts of the world and every time I had to move, I always became very nervous and uncomfortable, and it would take weeks before I would feel better.
Secondly, having only one career usually means a better salary because of possible promotions within the company. For example, if someone keeps moving from one company to another, they usually won’t have a chance to get promoted because they don’t stick around long enough for people to recognize their potential, and thereby, can never increase their salaries.
That’s why I prefer one career throughout my life.
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