发布时间: 2016年05月13日
what's your hobby? / what's your preoccupation? / In your spare time, what do you like to do?
对于以上的问题,你应该怎样回答,我个人的意见是:要有自己最个人的风格,一下子就能draw attention ,这点非常重要,还有就是要lay a trap for the examiners, 什么意思,就是说,在考试中,你的回答要非常的主动,把考官引入自己的框架中,强迫他问自己熟悉的题目。
hoops, well ,unlike other people, i prefer to teach foreigners in my spare time. (这是的考官一定非常惊讶,他想知道是怎么回事)
As you know, China always has something fairly special, which can easily attracts the people abroad. For example, Chinese Kongfu, the oriental mysterious thing. Therefore, to be a Chinese Kongfu Coach, i usually teach them this brilliant unique culture. I'm very proud of that.
对于这个在第一部分出现的问题的回答,你一定能够想到:cue card有可能是与sports有关的,那么第三部分有很大的可能性就是 大众健身等问题。
我以上只是举一个例子,大家不要copy我的idea, 不然考试就沉了,只是给出一个方向。
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