English Slang collection:
break a leg
[释] good luck;
[例] you've got a job interview tomorrow.
Break a leg.;
break camp
[释] to hurry;
[例] Break camp! We don't have much time.;
break off
[释] to end a relationship;
[例] He broke off our friendship because of a misunderstanding.
break arm patting oneself on the back/
[释] to be braggart;
[例] Don't break arm patting your back! I know who you are and what you are capable of.;
break one's balls
[释] to punish/overwork/overwhelm;
[例] Hey, don't break my balsa. I'm doing my job.
break out
[释] escape;
[例] A prisoner faked his heart attack and broke out on the way to the hospital.;
break out
[释] to bust forth suddenly;
[例] The Asia financial crisis broke out in Thailand and rapidly spread across the whole world in 1997.