当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年5月托福口语万能模板:出国后选择哪种生活方式呢?
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月22日






托福口语考生,现在请听题~ 小嘛小二郎啊,背着书包留学啦~既然现在在异国他乡了,该选择哪种生活方式呢?继续在家做中国菜,吃饺子、包子...还是入乡随俗,换种生活方式呢?来看看上海新东方老师是如何解析这道托福口语题的吧~

Choice A: keep customs

- familiar comfort

- feel pride of heritage

- be an ambassador of the culture

Choice B: follow new

- adapt earlier

- get on with neighbors

- fit in faster

主题句Topic sentence

- I prefer to follow the customs of the new country I am living in.

支持句Supporting sentence

- Having a positive start is important.

- Local customs will help me adapt to my new surroundings more quickly.

- Learning how things are done makes it easier for my new neighbors to accept me.

总结句Closing sentence (optional)

- I think it’s wise to follow the customs of the new country until you are comfortable enough to share some of your own foods, festivals and customs.

I prefer to follow the customs of the new country I am living in. Having a positive start is important and will affect how I feel about my new life and the friends I will make. Local customs will help me adapt to my new surrounding more quickly. It makes my daily life easier if I know how to greet people, what the expected dress is and even how closely they like to stand to each other when talking. Learning how things are done makes it easier for my new neighbors to accept me. We all get on better when we share common rules and customs of the country. There are fewer misunderstandings and less stress. Moreover, it helps me fit faster so that my energy is on my work and studies. I think it’s wise to follow the customs of the new country until you are comfortable enough to share some of your own foods, festivals and customs.




