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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月20日

雅思口语素材:英语俚语(blow off steam) - 雅思口语


English Slang collection:

blow off steam

[释] to give vent to pent-up emotion;

[例] After fighting with his wife, he went out for a walk to blow off steam.;

blow one's cool

[释] to lose one's composure;

[例] Hey, buddy! It's totally unnecessary to blow your cool on these trifles.

blow one's brain out

[释] to kill via a gunshot to the head;

[例] After his wife's funeral, he blew his brains out with great sorrow.;

blow one's cover

[释] to reveal a person's lie or disguise;

[例] We've got enough evidences to blow Tim's cover.

blow one's mind

[释] to amaze;

[例] That's too bad you didn't come with us. The concert was amazing and really blew my mind.;

blow one's skirt up

[释] to satisfy;

[例] I went into the video store, but I didn't really see anything that blew my skirt up.



