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新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月20日






What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.

I think making a plan ahead of time and sticking to it is the way to go. For example, I did a twenty-page paper for my history class last semester. I was pretty concerned about not being able to handle it so I sat down and made a plan before starting the project. The plan was to start the whole thing by going to the library so that I have all the right books and material for my research, and then try to finish the first draft within two week. After that I’d show it to my professor for feedbacks and suggestions on how to improve it. I followed this plan and everything worked out pretty well at the end.


Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

I prefer to spend my vocation in cities for the following reasons. First, there’re so much more to do in a city comparing to being in the countryside. In a city, I’ll never run out of fun activities to do. For example, I can visit museums and watch movies or shop. The things we get to do in the countryside are pretty limited. Second, I don’t drive, so it’s easier for me to get around in a city because there are buses and subways lines, even taxi services. In a city like Beijing, it’s very convenient to ride the subway which makes it possible for me to visit three to four places in a day.




