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简单网校 高中教育培训


发布时间: 2017年05月04日




  Besides electricity, a lion fears water the most, and a rainstorm with thunder and lightning brings both. For that reason I always have a written 1 that frees me from 2 when it's raining.

  For two days it was raining without stopping. By the third night, it wasn't raining at all. Ithe sign to the announcer, and the band began 4 my music.

  The animals went through their tricks, but they were far from being 5 about the wetness.

  And so we came to the head-in-mouth 6 . When I pulled Leo's mouth open raising his face and nose to the 7 . I noticed that the muscles (肌肉) of his jaws (上、下颚) were tense. Then, as I put my head in, a rain began pouring down. I felt Leo become 8 all over.

  My head was in now. I counted to ten and then gave him the tap-on-jaw 9 to let me go. But then nothing happened.

  I 10 again on his jaw. Leo's mouth was like a steel trap. I heard gunfire men were trying to get Leo's 11 . But already, with my face 12 in the back of his mouth, I was finding it hard to breathe, I knew what had happened: with the 13 beating on his face, Leo had forgotten me. I heard the gunfire again.

  I awoke with an oxygen mask 14 my face, and a doctor was working over me." You're 15 ," said the doctor, "as soon as you went faint (头晕的), the lion 16 you. For nearly three minutes you had no heartbeat!"

  By then it had 17 raining. I called Leo back and opened his jaw. "Don't be a fool!" the doctor said, 18 I put my head in and counted to ten. Then I have Leo the tap on the jaw --and he obeyed immediately.

  Yet, when I tried to trick again the next time, Leo 19 . I believed he was unwilling to 20 me a second time. I never did the trick again.

  1. A. suggestion B. notice C. agreement D. decision

  2. A. performing B. trying C. acting D. training

  3. A. set B. gave C. put D. made

  4. A. making B. playing C. enjoying D. practising

  5. A. happy B. sad C. sorry D. anxious

  6. A. joke B. trick C. play D. attempt

  7. A. sky B. earth C. cage D. ceiling

  8. A. angry B. excited C. tense D. frightened

  9. A. mark B. sign C. order D. information

  10. A. hit B. beat C. pulled D. tapped

  11. A. silence B. control C. attention D. death

  12. A. buried B. hidden C. put D. sunk

  13. A. stick B. gun C. rain D. hand

  14. A. in B. above C. below D. over

  15. A. foolish B. crazy C. safe D. lucky

  16. A. kept B. dropped C. fell D. bit

  17. A. begun B. stopped C. continued D. been

  18. A. and B. so C. but D. or

  19. A. obeyed B. refused C. agreed D. regretted

  20. A. hurt B. kill C. damage D. fool




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