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  When he was a little over twenty years old, Carver thought he was ready to1forward into the future. There was a college in the Minnesota town2his wandering life had taken him to. He was sure that3washing clothes he could4enough money to attend school. He was full of excitement5the thought of learning new subjects.6he went to the office7“Entrance Application (报名处)” and said he8like to be a student there. The man in the office looked at him9his glasses and told him that the college did not10colored people.

  How was Carver11as he walked out of the office? We can12that at first he felt breathless. But we13know that some time later he tried again in the14state of Iowa. He asked15to enter Simpson College. This16a white woman behind the desk asked him some questions about high school subjects. She thought17and18to show her19. And then she said, “All right, my boy, I’ll give you a20.”

  1. A. speed B. look C. step D. throw

  2. A. where B. which C. when D. in which

  3. A. when B. through C. by D. while

  4. A. collect B. spare C. find D. make

  5. A. upon B. at C. for D. by

  6. A. But B. However C. So D. Yet

  7. A. listened B. signing C. naming D. marked

  8. A. might B. would C. could D. had

  9. A. under B. above C. over D. from

  10. A. receive B. take C. allow D. enter

  11. A. thinking B. looking C. feeling D. finding

  12. A. be sure B. come to the conclusion

  C. judge D. imagine

  13. A. should B. must C. do D. have to

  14. A. other B. neighbouring C. another D. promising

  15. A. allowing B. being allowed C. to permit D. to be permitted

  16. A. while B. moment C. time D. instant

  17. A. a number B. a while C. a little D. a few

  18. A. laughed B. let out a cry C. nodded D. burst into tears

  19. A. anger B. satisfaction C. sorrow D. celebration

  20. A. position B. change C. chance D. luck



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