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环球网校 职称英语培训





1 I am notcertainwhether he will come.
A determined
B sure
C sorry
D glad
2 She seemed to havedetectedsome anger in his voice.
A noticed
B heard
C realized
D got
3 Please do not hesitate tocallme if I can be of further assistance.
A contact
B see
C help
D touch
4In short, I am going to live there myself.
A In other words
B That is to say
C In a word
D To be frank
5 He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his social skills andconduct.
A style
B behavior
C mode
D attitude
6 I had some difficulty incarrying outthe plan.
A making
B keeping
C changing
D implementing
7 Mr. Johnsonevidentlyregarded this as a great joke.
A readily
B casually
C obviously
D simply
8 We all think that Mary’s husband is a veryboringperson.
A shy
B stupid
C dull
D selfish
9 The workers in that factorymanufacturefurniture.
A promote
B paint
C produce
D polish
10 They only have alimitedamount of time to get their points across.
A large
B total
C small
D similar
11 The high-speed trains can have a majorimpacton travel preferences.
A force
B influence
C surprise
D power
12 Can youfollowthe plot so far?
A change
B investigate
C write
D understand
13 Even in a highly modernized country,manualwork is still needed.
A physical
B mental
C natural
D hard
14 In the latter case theoutcomecan be serious indeed.
A result
B judgment
C decision
D event
15 Norman Blamey is an artist of deepconvictions.
A statements
B beliefs
C suggestions
D claims

