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环球网校 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年12月09日


1.A new system of quality control was brought in to overcome the defects in the firm’s products.

A) invested B) introduced C) installed D) insisted

答案及解析:B. 解题思路:借助画线短语核心词(bring)的基本含义—“带来/引起”,并借助与画线结构相直接相关的结构含义(质量控制系统被。。)判断B是答案。

Invest: vt.(常与in连用)投入(资金,精力,时间等)

e.g. Ive invested a lot of time and effort in this plan. (喻)


insist: vi, vt(常与on, that连用)主张;坚持, 坚持要求(宾语从句跟虚拟语气结构)

e.g. We insist on / upon self-reliance.


e.g. We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.


2.Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed.

A) convert B) store C) utilize D)receive

答案及解析: C. 解题思路:被选项是动词时关注所给句子中的空格后续结构,因此关注原句中的宾语:the energy of the sun(太阳能)。被选项中:convert通常用在convert…into…的结构中,而原句中没有这样的结构,所以排除A;而根据句意凭借常识store(储存)和 receive(接收)太阳能不是刚发展的新技术,所以也排除掉。答案为C。


convert: vt.(常与into连用)转变;变换; 兑换

e.g. That building has been converted into a school.


e.g. I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars.


3. Hundreds of years ago cloves (丁香)were used to remedy headaches.

A) disrupt B) diagnose C) evaporate D) cure

答案及解析: D. 解题思路:备选答案均为动词,关注原句中的宾语headaches(头痛)。解题思路:在习惯搭配上,B和D都可带“疾病类”的词作宾语,但头痛不用diagnose (诊断),却可cure (治疗)头痛,所以答案为D。另外diagnose 的用法是:diagnose… as...,如:The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease./整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

4. Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on ones health.

A) result B) factor C) cause D) influence

答案及解析: D。 解题思路:从习惯搭配的角度解题:只有D才能和介词on搭配使用。


influence n. (常与on连用)影响力;感化力; vt. 影响

e.g. Many a woman has had an influence upon her husband. 许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。

Bearing: n. (与on, upon连用)关系

e.g. What they have done has no bearing on the promotion of sales.


5. Mary was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.

A) pleaded B) appealed C) forced D) instructed

答案及解析: C. 解题思路:借助句意:Mary。。在家里帮别人洗衣服以帮助养家糊口。而C的含义最合适句意。被选项中:


appeal常用appeal to sb./sth.的结构,表示:“呼吁,恳求,吸引,引起兴趣”;to appeal for aid/求助;

plead是 “恳求,托词,以…作藉口,为…辩护;为…抗辩”,plead the rights of the unemployed /为失业者的权利据理力争;

instruct教;通常的用法是:instruct sb. in sth. 如:instruct a class in history /教授一个班的历史;(常与to inf连用)命令,如:instruct sb. to start early /命令某人早动身

take in: v. 接受, 吸收, 理解, 欺骗

take A for B: v. 把A误以为B

take ..into account/consideration: v. 重视, 考虑

take part in..: v. 参与, 参加

take pride in.. v. 以...为骄傲

6. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year.

A) goods B) soil

C) climate D) harvest

答案及解析: D。在该句中yield 是用作名词(因为该词的前面有不定冠词a),解题思路:抓住句子中与划线部分相关的结构或用词特点。能与不定冠词a搭配使用的被选项只有C和D(气候,倾向, 风气,如:a mild climate温和的气候)。再借助句子中其他特征词:farm,判断harvest“收成”是答案。

Yield: vt, vi出产, (常与to连用)放弃;投降;让步 n. 产量;收成

e.g. That tree yields fruits. 这种树结果。

e.g. The army yielded when it was attacked.


7. If a country wants to develop its economy successfully, there has to be a clear appraisal of its social needs.

A)aptitude B) assurance C) insurance D)assessment

答案及解析: D. 解题思路:搭配结构。

Appraisal n. 评价, 估价

Aptitude: n. 能力;才能;天资

assurance n 自信;把握 (= self-assurance) , 保险

e.g. life assurance 人寿保险

Assessment n.评估,看法

e.g. What is your assessment of the situation?


8. To a first-year student, the doctoral degree is a distant expectation.

A. aspect B. respect C. prospect D. spectacle


Aspect n 模样;面貌, 方面

e.g. only one aspect of the problem


prospect n希望;期望

e.g. Theres not much prospect of Mr Smiths being elected as Congressman.


Spectacle n.观览物, 展览物, 奇观, 景象

9.During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international situation.

A) p ermanent B) powerful

C) striking D) practical

答案及解析: C. 解题思路:根据画线词的家族词(drama)的本义和与画线词搭配的结构的含义(变化),判断C是答案。

Striking: adj. 引人注意的;显著的

Dramatic: adj. 戏剧的;有关戏剧的; 引人注目的

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