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环球网校 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年12月01日


8.hardly,scarcely,barely 三者都含有否定的意思,前两者一般可以互换,但严格地说,在用法上是有区别的。Hardly往往强调困难,常用来修饰表示能力的词。Scarcely往往强调不足,常与enough,sufficient,any等表示程度的词连用。Barely一般与上述两词意思相近,往往表示“仅仅、勉强、刚刚”等意思。试看下面这些例句:I hardly/scarcely/barely know him.“我和他不熟。”He is so uneducated that he can scarcely/hardly/barely write his name.“他没有受过什么教育,连自己的名字也不会写。”Such rumors are scarcely/hardly true.“这些传言不会是真的。”You can hardly imagine how delighted they will be to have this chance to come to Beijing.“你简直想象不出,他们能有这个机会来北京是多么高兴。”The corridor is so narrow that there is scarcely sufficient space for a fat man like me to go dowm it.“这个走廊太狭窄了,简直让我这样胖的人无法走过去。”I barely entered this department as a technician of the lowest rank.“我勉强进入这个部分当上了一名最低级的技术员。”

9.often,always,usually,frequently,a lot of times,several times often表示在不同场合中屡次发生的实,而a lot of times,several times用于表示在同一场合下屡次发生的实:I often had inspirations for poems when I was young.“我年轻时常常有写诗的灵感。”I have often been ill in the past year.“过去的一年中我常常生病。”I fell several times when I was learning to ride a bike.“我学骑自行车时摔了好几次。”What a lot of times he has won in chess tournaments in the past year!他过去的一年中在国际象棋比赛中获得了多少回奖啊!

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